επτά(7)| expediam

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I stirred around in the sofa, trying to get back into that deep slumber. My mind and body were so relaxed that I thought of asking Magda to give me more of that stuff.

I opened my eyes, awaken to at least twelve faces just peering down at me from bird's eye view, before one of them handed me my now charged phone, informing me that an unknown number had rang twice. Soon after, they all dispersed when Magda called them to eat.

"It's nearly 7pm in the evening by the way, you slept for a very long time" Theo said to me when I sat up, raising one of knees up to place my phone on. I hadn't realised that he was sitting there, his arms crossed over, leaning back on the sofa stealthily.

I wanted to reply to him but I was so parched, my throat so dry from sleeping for so long I guess.

"Can I have some water...please?" I begged softly.

A few seconds later, a girl strolled in, Brie, I believed her name to be and handed me a cool glass of water.

"Thank you... I suppose?" I asked, it was too coincidental.

She awkwardly smiled at me, stumbling over her words before she said, "it-itjwbankfrkjohsg"

"Huh?" I asked, leaning closer to catch her words.

"It happens to me too" she concluded.

"Ahhhh, thanks"

"You're welcome Luna" she replied, turning to nod at Theo before walking away. I rolled my eyes in anger, I might as well not have introduced myself, I mean while we're at it, call me Jessica too.

Initially, I gingerly sipped on the water but soon enough, I was sighing in satisfaction and licking my lips. I scrolled through my messages and social media timeline for the next couple of minutes while drinking, replying to some messages.

"Are you hungry?" Theo asked after a while.

"Erm.." I began but was interrupted by the loud rumble of my stomach, "yes" I concluded, smiling back at him awkwardly as my cheeks heated up. It wasn't that I didn't want him to know I liked food, it was just the fact that I was really hoping to say no to get back to my house.

"Should we go and eat?" he asked, looking back at me intensely for a reply.

"Yes" I replied, getting up from my position and adjusting my leggings as I followed Theo into the kitchen silently.

"Magda, we're going to John's, then I'll drive her home" Theo declared as everyone was eating. Magda looked up from her plate and said something inaudible. At least I couldn't make it out but Theo seemed to. He then looked at Mark as if to say something. To be honest, it wasn't really a look... I can't quite explain it... it was like they were telling each other something.

For example, when you're misbehaving in the supermarket and your mother gives you that look, the look of 'better behave before I beat you mercilessly here' but only you and her understand that expression. Yeah that look.

"Who's John?" I asked he started walking away.

"What is John's you mean?" he replied, opening the passenger car door of his Range, "it's a bistro" he carried on, starting the car up.

"Why couldn't we eat at Magda's?" I asked as I strapped my seat belt in.

"I mean we could... if you don't mind lots of people staring at you as you eat...every...single...mouthful" he countered back, already knowing what my answer would be, "besides, we need to talk about your dreams"

"That's very invasive"

"You don't have to tell me but a shared problem is a halved problem"

"Thanks Dr Phil but I'm not goin-" I started but was interrupted by the vibration of my phone.

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