Marcel The Marketing Guy. (Harry Styles)

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  • Dedicated to Marcel Girls Everywhere.

It's only Monday and I'm already stressed.

Oh how I was dreading 6th period Calculus, I'm doomed. I'm never going to pass math and I'm never going to graduate high school and I'm never going to get a job. I'll end up homeless and alone.

Maybe I'm overreacting a little, but if I don't get at least a C on this stupid quiz today I can't throw a party for my birthday this weekend.

Soon the bell rang signaling it was time for the last class of the day.

I was so nervous that on my way into class I bumped into almost everyone in sight. I quickly took my seat at the end of the row before I could cause anymore trouble. I quietly sat at my desk and waited for class to begin.

From the corner of my eye I could see Marcel walking in, he's the smartest kid in the entire class. He belongs in AP for sure, I wonder why he's never moved up. I mean regular calculus isn't much of a challenge for the kid.

As Marcel walked in he smiled at me, just like he did everyday. I smiled back at him as he walked over to me.

"Hey Aria. How are you?” he asked sitting in front in front of me.

I shrugged. “Pretty nervous honestly. If I don’t pass this dumb quiz I can’t throw a party for my birthday this weekend.”

He pouted. “I’m sorry to hear that, I would of helped you study.”

I sighed. “Too late for that now.”

He nodded sympathetically.

Just then the bell rang and everyone quickly found their seats.

Mr. Diaz walked up to the middle of the classroom holding the quiz papers in his hands and smiled. “I trust that we all studied.”

I took a deep breath as he began passing out the papers.

Once the quiz was in my hands I looked it over. I didn’t recognize a single question, it was all Chinese to me.

“Pst.” Marcel whispered kicking my desk.

I looked up to find him looking to the side.

“A.” he whispered looking back down at him paper.

“D.” he said staring down at his paper.

“A” he said under his breath.

He coughed loudly before whispering. “C.”

It amazes me how Mr. Diaz doesn’t catch Marcel, but he catches everyone else.

“84.” he said scratching the back of his head.


I didn’t know whether or not I should cheat or fail on my own. I’m a firm believer in failing on my own rather than cheating, but the party. I’m turning 18, it’s a big deal.

I looked the quiz over. I had a choice, I could either rip it up right now or I could just turn it over and wait for Mr. Diaz to collect it.

I took the easy way out, I turned it over and waited for it to be collected.

I lowered my head onto the desk as I waited for the bell to ring.I just wanted to get out of there. I did a terrible thing. I’m so selfish, I’m jeopardizing not only my grade but Marcel’s as well.

The second the bell rang I ran out of there. I threw my things into my locker and ran over to Marcel’s to wait for him.

Marcel took his sweet time getting to his locker because by the time he got there the hallway was practically empty.

Marcel The Marketing Guy. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now