Chapter 11

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*Chapter 11*

~ Unmentionable circumstances~

It's been a whole week since the hair dying ordeal and the kiss. I've ignored James for the straight week as well. I don't know what to think of the kiss, I mean don't get me wrong, it was great. But it's also wrong at the same time, we've only known each other for a short period of time and he's already making his move. Maybe if I just ignore it all together then it'll be like it never happened.

I'm currently out shopping with none other than Lillian. She's pestered me all day about what had happened, which I told her nothing.

"I don't see why you can't just tell me. We're besties for crying out loud." Lillian complains, I sigh. "We are best friends. But some things just need to stay unmentioned." I say looking through the racks of clothes. It's too hard to find anything to go with green hair, that's why today I've hid a good amount by putting on my beanie... Well James' beanie.

"Yeah, but we don't keep secrets from one another Kat. Is it about Kevin?" Lillian took a guess, I turn to her raising my eyebrow, "Kevin?"

"Yeah, don't you see the way he looks at you? He's totally gots the hots for you." She speaks, Kevin likes me? Just another layer on top of the cake. "Lil, we're just friends. Nothing more." I say continuing to search through the heap of clothes. "That's what you say now, but sooner or later it's bound to happen." Lillian shakes her finger at me. I sigh. There's just no winning here and I win at everything. Well almost everything.

I pick up a navy blue blouse showing it to Lillian. "No. Not with Green." She says not even looking up. "You didn't even look at it." I argue, Lillian looks up with an annoyed look then looks at the clothes again. "Nope."

I sigh putting the blouse back. It was so hard to find anything before, and now it's ten times harder. "This is gonna be a long day." I mumble.


Three whole hours. We spent three hours looking for anything that could at least match my hair. It's bullshit. James should be the one with dyed hair, not me. Being the hungry fat ass I am, we stopped for food. "Where to go?" Lillian asks looking at all the food stores in the mall. "Chinese!" I cheer running in the direction of the shop. "Kat wait." Lillian calls from behind. I slow my pace as I reach the Chinese restaurant.

"Kat I'll pay if you tell me what happened."

"No fair."

"You've seemed to use all your money in the clothing stores, so you have to choice."


Lillian steps up to the counter with money in hand. "I'd like chicken chow mane, and sesame chicken with fried rice." She orders for the two of us. My mouth was already watering just by the names of the food. "Alright. Twenty eighty five. The man says. Lillian pays. After a few moments our food is ready. We take the tray it sits on and go over to a table.

Lillian hands me my sesame chicken and fried rice, as soon as I get it I start to chow down. "So what exactly happened last week?" She asks the dreading question. "Uh," I hesitate stuffing another spoonful of rice into my mouth. "Kat." Lillian warns. I sigh. "It's about James and I, we kinda.." I trail off looking away, the thought still lingering in my head.

"You what?"

"Kinda sorta kissed."

"Oh my god! I knew it. You guys are totally a thing. We've got to change your Facebook status. Watch out world in a relationship Kat is coming thro-" I threw my hand over Lillian's mouth stopping her from talking. "No, we aren't a thing. It's not official. Nothing happened." I explain, Lillian grunts beneath my hand before pushing it off.

"What? No way. You guys kissed. That should mean something." She argues. "Key word should. But it doesn't. It's like it's never happened. And I'm ok with that." Lie. Lie. Lie.

"Kat that's the biggest lie I've ever heard. You like James. He likes you. Go for it. The worse that can happen is he'll reject you. "

"Way to boost confidence Lil."

"That's what I'm here for." She winks taking a bite of her own food.


I arrived home sooner than I wanted, but Lillian claimed I needed to talk with James, which I was not ready for. Lucky for me, James wasn't home yet, which meant that I still had time to think about what I was gonna say to him. It was somewhere on the line of 'Sorry for the kissing thing, friends?' Although my mind was screaming 'no!' It's for the best. It's time to listen to my brain more than my heart.

As I opened the door Ein shot up to me wagging her tail. I smile at the pooch. "Hey girl, you hungry?" I ask. I shut the door behind me then head over to her food bowls. I fill up her bowls then head over the the couch with my laptop. I upload a video that I've pre- recorded, it's been a good while since I've uploaded. The title is ; PEICE OF SHIT GAME.

The game was IAmBread. It's horrible, I hated every minute of it. As I'm uploading the video the front door opens. Great. James walks in. I glance back at him meeting his eyes. I can't.

Trying to avoid the situation all together, I get up and begin to head off to my room. I've lost all confidence all together when James walked in. There's no way I can't talk to him now.

"Kat wait."


Oh lord, what's James gonna say go Kat? What has she gotten herself into? Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ;D and thank every last one of you for your votes and everything. Your all amazing.

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