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Name: Lee Sungmin

Chinese Name: Li Cheng Min

English Name: Vincent Lee

Nicknames: Danhobak, Minimi, Aegyo King

Birthday: January 1, 1986

Place of Birth: Ilsan

Height: 5'9

Blood Type: A

Sibling/s: Lee Sungjin

Education: Inha University


1.    Shindong is his best friend in Super Junior.

2.    Whenever he goes shopping, he won't ever look at anything twice... Unless it's pinkk.

3.    He visits cafes about six times a week.

4.     He's one of the four lead vocalists in SJ.

5.    He says he doesn't care if his female fans call him 'oppa' or not.

6.    His fans are called vitaMINs.

7.    He majored in directing/film and theatre.

8.    He transferred from the Seoul Institote of the Arts to the Myongji University.

9.    He is incredibly popular in Nihon.

10.His eyes are often described as being wolf-like.

11.He says his aegyo (cute) is natoral. If someone asks him to act aegyo, he can't do it.

12.He loves pumpkins and squahes.

13.His Disney nicknames are "Alice" (in Wonderland) and "the Pumpkin King."

14.He loves rabbits.

15.Sungmin is the second richest member.

16.He got rid of his Twitter. 300060

17.His favourite times of the day are always times like... 11:11, 12:12, 1:11, 2:22, etcetc.

18.He's very OCD.

19.The other members say that he is the most likely to be caught cheating. 299248

20.He's one of the only members who can speak English.

21.He's ambidextrous.

22.He torned twenty-six this year (2011).

23.He IS NOT gay. He says that if he had a gay friend who had feelings for him, he'd puke on them.
-- Example: When Hee kissed him, Minnie was incredibly angry with him.

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