Hey beautiful people uhm so I got a little nasty message this morning I woke up to... and let me say I wasn't suppose to start writing in the book until the 27 now I can stop the book and wait till the 27 but I'm not because that would be rude and incompetent of me to do so. so there for don't curse me out like I am beneath you I wake up just minding my business and I get a rude message and if you are not of age to be reading my book or my freaky imagines and you have your parents and your older siblings cursing me out then you need to delete my books both of them even the half one I did because you wanna be fast and read stuff that is not for your eyes and your imagination I do this for older people now I can make a book for kids 13 and under that I will do but yungins don't have me out here seeming like the bad person because you wanna read dirty things that I write for other people not saying dirty things are bad but it's not for you
Now back to regular schedule programming
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