Daddy loves you okay
Daddy:I want you to know that I don't ever want you to down play yourself you will always be my princess baby girl
Me:okay,but daddy....
Daddy:yes baby
Me:how long will you be gone
Daddy:a long time baby
Me:*begining to cry* how long
Daddy:a long time you'll know when I'm out and free
Daddy:I love you
Me:I love you to
My dad gives me a kiss on my lips and cheek then he walks out the door
My daddy has to go to prison for how long I don't know I was 8 at the time he left
End of flash back
10 years later
My name is Tammy I'm 18 now I miss my daddy everyday and he tells me that I shouldn't down play myself for no one and that's exactly what I don't do I don't take bull shit from anyone
I'm at school my senior year and this bitch was talking shot ads I walk into the classroom I let it slide but when I go get a book from back of the room this bitch bumps me
Oh hell fuck no bitch
I drag this bitch by her hair and begin kicking,punching,yanking every single track out
She gets up and punches me in the nose and she gets me on the ground and gets her licks in I get up and get on top of her and punch her in the face repeatedly until I feel some one grab me and pick me up
And I'm dragged away to the office
Principal Frasier:*yelling*EXPLOSION
principal Frasier:your senior year Tammy your senior year I'm calling your mother
Y/n comes in the office
Y/n:Tammy chanice graham how the hell did you get suspended on you senior year of school senior give me a resin I shouldn't choke slam you
Tammy:because she bumped me and daddy said I shouldn't ever let anyone down play me and I live by that every day
Y/n:*sighs* oh my god Tammy come in sweetie daddy didn't mean that he meant don't let no one down play you by your intelligence your beauty your purity baby daddy didn't mean that
Drake:no I didn't
Drake:it's me baby
Drake: how do you get expelled baby girl
Tammy:she hit me first
Drake:we will he school you then baby its your senior year I'm sorry I haven't been there to see you through every thing and I'm sorry I haven't been there to experience but I'm hear now
Tammy:I'm glad that you are now
Drake:*kisses her on the forehead* love you,y/n I have something I want to give to you
Y/n: what is it
Drake gets down on one knee and give y/n this huge ring
Y/n:*begins tearing up*
Drak:you've been down for me for eight years and taken care of Tammy and holding the house down working and I just want you to take a break from everything and let me take over now and I want to give you this break and show you how much I love you by asking you to marry me
Y/n:*crying* yes I will
He give you a kiss and you guys go to dinner and yall catch him up on everything
The end
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Y/n Imagine book 2016 (Complete)
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