Great Day

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It became graduation day. James grabbed his high school diploma and ran to his van. He threw off graduation gown dress thing and put it in the back. He was now wearing a baby blue sleeveless shirt and sweatpants. He started up the van, Serena was on top of the van with a gun, she set it off and the crowd of hundreds looked at her. She held the Dessert Eagle in a firm position, and shot the principals legs. She hopped in the van and the speeded down the highway.
Serena: that went perfect!
James: yea, but this is all kinda sad... I have to abandon my parents.
Serena: I have no parents.
James: I know, I'm sorry...
Serena: we can go back if you want...
James: no, we can pull this off.
Serena: okay then... Let's go dude.

They made it out of town.
James: no cops so far.
Serena: they should be coming soon, so hold tight.
James: yee-haw!

He started speeding. Hours later, the hit a traffic jam.
Serena and James: shit.
James: we could be stuck here awhile.
Serena: how much of a beating can this van take?
James: Batmobile.
Serena: I'll load the guns. You ram through.
James was ramming through the cars like nothing! Serena was shooting out tires and she was killing people. Finally there was no longer anymore traffic in their way.
Serena: got food?
James: there's some donuts and beef sticks in one of the storage compartments!
Serena ate, but poor poor James was still starving.
It is night now, Serena and James are parked in the forest.
Serena: *yawn* I'm gonna go to bed now.
James: yeaaaaa. It's been a long day. They only had one blanket. It was more than enough to cover them. They soon rapped up and went to bed.
They woke up a few hours later (2:08).
James was... Touching Serena's boob.
Serena: AHH!
She slapped James hard.
Serena: PERVERT.
She hid her face in the corner and giggled.
Serena: he must know I like him...
James: what?
Serena: NOTHING.

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