chapter one

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the wide flat screen tv in the living room was projecting a footie game that louis had been looking forward to all month. snacks were placed out-- along with alcohol-- and he was enjoying himself , he really was , but he just wished that he had people to yell profanities along to the game with.

its been quiet and lonely nights for him since he moved to city, and even more lonelier due to the fact that it was the city. you walk outside and see loads of people laughing and in their own little bubble and it was so irritating cause louis should have that. he thought moving to new york would give him opportunities and chances of making new friends, maybe even a boyfriend-- but its not like he's getting his hopes up for that.

but its hes barely been out of the house since the past 2 weeks, so like, he has no one to blame but himself. 

he should have listened to his best mate liam when he lectured him on how "the city is the most regretful place to move if you dont have friends there" louis rolled his eyes at how right he was.


i should really call that bastard sometime, its been quite a while since we've talked, he thought.

a pepsi commercial popped up and louis decided he needed another drink--he really didnt, but what else was he going to do? nothing.

walking to the fridge, he couldn't help but to think about how other people would be spending tonight. groups of friends bonding and laughing with each other over this very game, while louis is yet again, alone, drinking.

and when he was half way in the kitchen he realized he was drunk off his ass, once again.

stumbling, he grabbed another bottle and started heading back to the living room, feeling woozy.

should really get out there tomorrow nigh- his thoughts were interrupted by a low sound that he had to stop all of his movement to listen for.

it was a voice. he was sure it was talking-- or singing? either way the male vocals had to be coming from the next room of his apartment. had to be.

as louis listened closer, though, his eyes widened, realizing that the voice was definitely not coming from his neighbors room.

the voice was coming from his bedroom.

he thanked jesus that he packed his metal bat that he used to play in highschool with his friends, who knew the sport equipment would turn into a bloody weapon one day.

he nervously gripped the bat until his fingers were white and tried the hardest to be quiet to discover who was in his apartment room.

as louis got closer, trying not to trip due to the fact that hes drunk as hell, he could now clearly hear the voice was in fact singing a song lowly.

without thinking, louis swung his bedroom door open and quickly guarded himself with the titanium bat.

he didnt know what he was expecting to find in his room. a robber caught in the act of stealing his items with a gun in his hand, maybe, or the possibility of his bedroom tv being left on to explain the sound.

what louis didnt expect was to find a boy in black skinny jeans with curly brown hair laying out across his bed on his back, carelessly singing until he realized louis' presence.

"who the hell are you?" louis asked harshly, honestly a more than scared because this was a stranger in his house and despite his harmless looks he didnt know who he really was and why he was here in the first place.

"harry" the curly boy smiled cheekily, like he didnt see how timid and afraid louis was.

louis remained standing in the doorway, with the bat shielding him still. he didnt know how to react, or what to say or if he should call the police.

"how did you-- why are you here?" louis' voice shook a little as harry sat up.

"who won?" harry asked with curiosity in his voice, avoiding his questions. louis was baffled. he couldnt think straight due to the fact hes drunk and that there is some beautiful boy perched on the end of his bed.

louis furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"won the game?" harry clarified, a little smile tugging on his lips.

"i dont know, i didnt get to finish it because theres a random stranger in my fucking room," louis spat out.

he didnt mean to come out harsh, but yet again he did because who even was this boy?

harrys smile didnt fade as he shook his head. "you can put down that bat, y'know. do i look like im gonna hurt you?"

louis breathed out. "m'not sure."

louis wasn't sure. he wasn't sure if harry was lying or if louis was dreaming because he was so tipsy that he could only see the the stunning face of this boy through blurry, unfocused vision.

harry just giggled, a dimple appearing on his left cheek.

"you're so serious," harry jokingly told him.

louis scoffed. "you'd be too if some boy youve never seen in your life appears in your apartment, yeah?"

harry shrugged and laid back down. he then looked over to louis and patted the bed, gesturing for him to come lay with him.

louis' eyes widened, hell no. louis hasn't  gotten any information at all about this random boy and is definitely not trusting him now to just come lay with him-- hes not insane.

so he just stood there with a confused look on his face for a while, watching harry hum probably the same song he was singing before, on his bed and picking at his nails casually.

eventually, louis inched closer to his bed but refused to lay down. harrys eyes flickered to louis' and locked into them.

(they were green.)

louis could feel himself getting more tired. he wished he wasnt drunk so he could actually get his shit together and do something about harry, but he still sat on his bed, gazing into this strange boys green eyes and feeling woozy.

harry sighed and leaned across the bed to tug on louis' arms, wide emerald eyes looking up to louis as if they were begging for him to lay down with him.

and louis felt really fucking weird. like, harry is still practically a stranger and how the fuck did he get into his apartment and why wont he answer any questions, but he ended up laying next to the boy anyways,  admiring his soft lips and bright eyes and long hair all in a daze.

so he is insane.

louis felt like he was drugged or something, cause hes never felt so venerable and easy, he should have called the police by now, but hes just really, really drunk and tired and harry is just so lovely.  and that shouldnt be an excuse -- that the boy is breath taking and fasinating, because he still got in his apartment and hes still a complete stranger.

it was all so hazy and unreal and eventually louis ended up drifting off to sleep, and mentally cursing at himself in the back of his mind for getting drunk to the point where he was too weak to even get up.

(he had dreams of the rosy cheeked, pink lipped boy.)

IM BACK !!! sorry for being gone so long :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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