How You Met (Cliche, Sorry)

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You were a hunter, and you were investigating a possible werewolf attack in your hometown when you met Dean and Sam:

You were a "Fed," interviewing a victim's wife: with a fake badge, suit, and all. So when two men- two very good looking men- tried to interview the same person you were interviewing, also claiming to be Feds, you booked it out of there, thinking they were actually agents. They followed you out, taking off after your baby blue '63 Corvette Stingray in their car. 

You pulled over into a parking lot of a diner, (finally deciding to stop speeding away,) parking in an empty spot near the back of the lot. You got out of your car, and leaned on your car's hood. They pulled in next to you, getting out of their car and standing in front of you.

"Lemme guess, a hunter?" The shorter one asked you.

"You lot hunters too?" You responded uncertainly.

"Sweetheart, you answer our questions fi-"

"Dean, it's fine." The taller one cut him off. "Yeah, we are. You tracking the werewolf too?" He turned to me.

"Yeah, actually, I am." I nodded at him. 

"Well, sweetheart, it's been nice talking to you. But we got this. You don't need to help, let us handle it." The shorter one- Dean you heard the giant one call him said to you.

"Not in my town. If you don't want to work with me, you have to leave. Sorry boys." You shot back at him with narrowed eyes. 

"You really don't wa-" Dean started to reply.

"We'll work with you, you probably know this place better than we do." The tall one said. "I'm Sam." He put his hand out for you to shake, smiling down at you.

You took his hand, "Y/F/N,  Y/F/N   Y/L/N." 


Your dad was friends of John's- you knew Dean and Sam since you were little. 

Once John went missing, the first person Dean turned to was you. He called, and once he told you what was happening you immediately agreed to help him, after all, you were friends, (and you had a HUGE crush on him.) You two agreed that he would pick you up from your apartment in NJ and you would go with him to get his brother.

Dean insisted on just barging into Sam's house while you stayed in the car- well, you leaned up against the side. Ten minutes later, Sam was coming out to the impala. His eyes lit up when he saw you, and he put his bag down and gave you a bone crushing hug. You and Sam were best friends for a long time- he's also the only one who know you like-like Dean.

"It's great to see you, Y/N!"

"Yeah, same Sammy!" You replied.

"How long have you been with Dean?" His eyebrows raised and he smiled at you.

"About a week. Now get in, we have to hit the road!" Dean said opening the drivers door. "Oh, and Y/N, Sammy's got shotgun."

"Fine, whatever." You grumbled as you opened the door to the back. You slammed the door shut indignantly.

"Hey! Be careful with my baby!" Dean yelled back at you.

"Oh, Pardon me." You said rolling your eyes. 


You had been hunting with the Winchesters since their first Croatoan case. You had lived in that town and had ran into them, and they helped you be safe. You were a hunter, but so was your old boyfriend, and all of your weapons were in his trunk besides your gun that you had already emptied into people who tried to murder you.

So after you figured out they were hunters too, you helped them figure out what was going on. Once everything was over, you went with them after you told them your boyfriend had died, (well, you shot him in the head.) They insisted you stay with them until you could get back on your feet. Well, you got along with the brothers, and you became really good friends. 

So you were with Dean and Bobby when they tried to summon what pulled Dean up from the basement. Whereas the angel made Bobby pass out, he just walked past you, staring at you weirdly as he walked past you. 

Castiel took a liking to you and Dean, especially you. So much so that when Sam came back out of the cage soulless, Cas wouldn't go to him all the time when he called. But if you were even in the slightest bit of danger he was there in a flash. 

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