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january 5, 2016 ; day 00, 10:46 pm

exhaustion. that was all he felt. every vein, every muscle, every bone in his body just wanted to collapse.

he had been running at the swiftest velocity his legs could take for the past 20 minutes, and yet they wouldn't stop. they were still after him.

they got closer every corner he turned and his lungs dried up even more with every breath he took. each time he blinked his brain would replay a memory, making him dread his existence even more than he already did.

he didn't know how he came to be in such a situation. he was about a few blocks away from his home, on his way to pick up the take-out he had ordered a few minutes ago, and now he was in the verge of hyperventilating as he was being chased by about 6 men that were twice his size.

he looked back for a split second, surprise took over him when he realized they were a lot closer than expected. too close.

his body made a harsh stop as it clashed against something rough, his center of gravity crumbled instantly, making him drop to the cold and gray cement.

his eyes molded shut when it happened, but he was still aware that his adrenaline took the best of him, resulting in the horrible miscalculation he made as he was about to turn another corner.

an immense pain made its way up his spine and skull. the rocky surface supporting him was not helping the almost death-like pounding surging through parts of his brain he didn't even know existed.

his eyes were still glued together as he heard footsteps, it's them.

❝are you ok?❞ a delicate voice called.

his heart stopped beating for a split second when he heard such a sweet voice instead of a masculine one. he actually thought everything was alright and that he would manage to survive. this time he could feel his brain pulse with every breath he took, but somehow the voice put him at ease.

❝no, w-wait. stop! put me down!❞ the voice yelled.

his ears twitched slightly when he heard a silence and then a boisterous thump next to him.

he forced himself to look, his curiosity taking over him.

his hazel orbes spotted a beautiful pair of eyes staring back at him with angst and worry, a pair of eyes that seemed to feel the same amount of torment as him, and as he stared at the voice's eyes and smiled with relief.

he blacked out.

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