we ran and hid just to feel the grass。

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january 16, 2017 ; day 11, 2:45 pm

oh we're going outside...❞ he smirked.

❝what do you mean we're going outside? you heard mitch.❞ minah complained, scared at taehyung's ideas. ❝you'll see.❞ he walked away, leaving her even more confused and scared at what the boy was planning on doing.

she sighed as she sat back down on her usual spot and began to scratch the wall once again.

january 22, 2016 ; day 17, 10:07 pm

it had been almost a week since taehyung had said those four words that had kept minah awake on most nights.

oh, we're going outside...it crept into her mind once again, for the god knows what time in the night.

a normal person would have just forgotten about it, but minah wasn't normal. in fact, she'd told herself she was crazy for being so anxious and paranoid. a quality that made her disliked by many people during her life, even herself.

she closed her eyes, praying that this time she could fall into a peaceful slumber. her mind drift off. she though of her mom, her friends, her dog, that time where she forgot her keys...

❝minah, minah!❞ she swore she heard someone whisper-shout. she furrowed her eyebrows, her eyelids still closed as she tried to concentrate on sleeping. ❝minah!❞ she heard it again, this time her eyes fluttered open, meeting with taehyung's face merely a few inches away from hers.

her eyes widened with surprise and her mouth opened, ready to scream, until taehyung put his hand on it. ❝shhhh!❞ he urged her as he slowly took off his hand from her lips. she panted as she grasped her chest, still unable to process what just happened.

❝what the fuck, taehyung! i thought i was going to die!❞ she slapped his shoulder before getting up and walking to the other side of the room. he followed her as he winced in pain from the slap, ❝why did you wake me?❞ she asked irritated as she rubbed her arms for warmth.

❝we're going outside!❞ he grinned and took her hand as she dragged her to his corner of the room, where he slept. ❝are you crazy?!❞ she asked as she stared down at the many papers he pulled out from under his blanket. ❝yup!❞ he smiled again, earning a sigh from minah.

❝so this past week, i've been stalking mitch and adam. here's their schedule.❞ he looked at her and gave her the papers, she glared at him and began to read.

7:00 am — wake up
8:00 am — breakfast
8:30 am — leave
11:00 am —arrive
11:30 am —lunch
12:00 pm—leave
6:00 pm — arrive
6:30 pm — dinner
10:00 pm—leave

❝w-why did you— you know we could get in trouble.❞ she sighed and handed him back the paper, he nodded. ❝i know, but it's worth the risk, right?❞ he folded the papers and hid them back in their previous spot.

❝but how are we gonna do this without getting caught?❞ she asked, her anxiety piling up. ❝they should be leaving in a few minutes, they just need to make sure everything's locked.❞ he stared at the metal door patiently, until a few clacks could be heard before fading footsteps and a car engine turning on. ❝now's our chance!❞ he grinned as he ran to the window.

❝taehyung.❞ she walked towards the window, where he was shamelessly trying to break open the metal locks, her arms crossed over her torso as she shivered. ❝taehyung.❞ she called out again, her words disappearing into his mind as he concentrated on leaving that room he considered hell. ❝TAEHYUNG!❞ she screamed, panting as the screech left her throat and finally entered his brain. he let his arms drop as he realized how desperate he was to get out.

❝tae...❞ she shook him lightly. ❝i-i'm sorry.❞ he sighed as he rubbed his temples and paced around the room. ❝i-it's fine, just, calm down. alright?❞ she stood in front of him, watching him walk around the room, his eyes signaling he was in deep thought. ❝sit down, ta— how the fuck am i supposed to sit down when i'm locked up in this hell?!❞ he spat, before collapsing on his knees and sobbing.

minah's eyes widened, she walked towards him slowly. he cried into his hands as she kneeled down next to him and wrapped her arms around his body. ❝i'm s-sorry.❞ he muffled as he cried onto her shoulder. ❝i've never been restrained like this. i-i've never been unable to be free...❞

january 25, 2017 ; day 20, 11:23 p.m.

❝are you sure you want to do this? we can wait a few more da— it's fine, taehyung...❞

after taehyung's breakdown a few days ago, minah knew she had to help the poor boy get outside, even if it got both of them killed. at least we would die outside, and not alone, right?, was the only thought that would calm
her down a little when she would start getting second thoughts.

and so there they were, unscrewing a window's metal panels with a dropped penny taehyung found last were, their hearts pumping furiously. maybe it was the excitement of finally stepping out onto the outside world or maybe it was their bodies' way of telling them they were both scared shitless. either way, they both knew they had to leave, even if they lost their lives during the process...


sorry for not updating, school has been stressful.

this chapter will have two parts so be patient my children. the second part could come tomorrow or in two months LMAO IM SORRY

hope you have a wonderful day! please vote and comment!

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