Chapter 1

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Picture of Axel

Alex POV

I woke up to my alarm and got a shower washing and styling my hair

I put on my tight black shirt and somewhat loose jeans and began walking to school


I was about half way there when I was pushed into a brick wall. My head made contact with the stone behind me and I held my head in pain sliding down the wall. I looked up to see axel towering over me.

"hey fag " he said with a smirk. I stayed quiet fear running through my body. He grabbed my collar pulling me closer to him.

"I said hey fag" he yelled at me causing me to flinch

"h-hi Axel" I stuttered earning an evil smirk. His fist made hard contact with my nose I held it wincing as the red crimson fluid rushed out.

" I don't like faggots walking on my sidewalk "he said I stayed silent knowing talking would only make it worse

"on your knees "he said taking a fist full of my hair I yelped in pain.

" shut up" he yelled putting me on my knees in front of him. He tilted my head up to look at him my hair still strung between his fingers

"I bet you like this position" he said smirking down at me he smacked me hard and I whimpered as my body hit the concrete.

I laid on the sidewalk pain going through my body. A small chuckle left his lips

"OK I think you had enough "he said slinging his jacket over his shoulder he kicked me in the stomach once more causing me to groan loudly

"bye fag" he said walking away

I got up shaking a bit but regained my balance I stood up being cautious of my now aching body and continued my way to the school.


I got to school and walked into my class and in seconds all eyes were on me

everyone gasped admiring the new bruises and cuts

Mrs. Allan looked at me her smile fading instantly

"oh Alex not again " I stood awkwardly hating all of the attention

"OK Class just wait here" she said taking my arm softly and guiding me to the nurses office

"oh Alex " the nurse said lifting my shirt to see my bruised rib cage she pushed it with two fingers i yelped in pain

This was a daily thing for me Axel made sure of it. The nurse had probably known me better than anybody.

" They're a bit bruised but they should be fine" she said looking at my cheek she gave me ice and cleaned my bruised and bloody nose

"okay you should be fine just be more careful" she said sending me a sympathetic smile and sending me back to class

I walked in seeing my best friend Ashley. I'd basically known her since birth we know everything about eachother. She had an angry look on her face and she turned around to axel who had an evil smirk plastered on his face.

I sat down hitting my rib on the corner of the desk I bit my lip and set my head down holding my side

"Just my luck isn't it" i thought to myself


The bell rung signalling class was finally over. Ashley walked up to Axel and punched him in the nose. He fell back holding his nose giving her a "you need to calm your shit" look

"what the hell " he yelled

She turned around walking up to me hugging me she began to cry softly her wet tears falling on my shoulder

I sat her on my lap letting her cry into my shoulder. She let me because for one I'm gay and two she trusts me. I've known her since we were little shes the most important person in my life

"shh" I said with my arms around her waist Axel gave us a confused and slightly angry look and walked out

"Its okay ash i'm okay "I said she looked at me and smiled I wiped her tears and she got up helping me

We walked out going to our second class


Finally the school day was over I limped out of the school and saw Axel against a tree He stared me down smirking as I limped past him


I got to my house and walked in exhaustion taking over me. Walking up the stairs I made my way to my bed and let sleep slowly take over.

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