Chapter 15

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Photo of John
A/n: hey guys I'm so so sorry for leaving that long without an update I'll try not to do that again but I hope you liked the last chapter vote, comment and follow thanks guys ^_^

Alex p.o.v

I woke up to footsteps coming up the ladder I sat up stretching

I saw John come in with apples he set the basket on the cupboard

"Good morning cupcake" he said throwing me an apple

I caught it smiling at him

"What time is it" I asked taking a bite

He looked at his watch

"1 p.m " he said sitting down

I must've really needed that sleep I thought

"I would woken you up earlier but you looked like you needed to sleep" he said

"So what are we doing today" I said he looked thoughtful for a moment

"We could go swimming" he said smirking widely

"Okay" I said and we went down the ladder and began to strip

I looked over to see John standing by the waterfall

He nodded and dove off I ran over looking down as he disappeared into the mist

"John" I yelled but got no response

I started to get worried when I heard no sound

"John" I yelled again my heart beating fast

"Come on Alex " he yelled distantly

I sighed in relief and stood up looking over

"I am not jumping from here" I yelled stepping back slightly

"Come on don't be a chicken" he yelled making chicken noises

I groaned closing my eyes and I dove

It felt like the world below me disappeared and I was flying

I straitened my body and I dove into the water

I came back up seeing a sexy wet John sitting in the grass

He smirked when he noticed me staring

"I'd give that dive a 7" he said smirking at me

I scoffed giving him an offended look

"A 7 no no you're mistaken" I said moving my wet hair from my face

He chuckled getting into the warm water he moved closer coming towards me

Then a heard a branch snap we both stopped and our heads turned looking around

"Alex" he whispered

I looked over to see John's face looking slightly frightened

He slowly walked over trying not to make a sound in the water

He grabbed my hand and led me behind the waterfall into a cave type place

"John what's going on " I whispered as he led me deeper down the cave

"One of the people from my old pack have come for me " he whispered

He laid down on the cave floor and pulled me down with him

"Why are they after you" I asked my heart picking up speed

"They want me dead " he said then we heard distant footsteps

They were very slow and ominous

Fear came creeping into me as the slow footsteps approached us

Then they stopped I looked over the rock we were behind to see a man

He was holding knife and was searching around

He looked about 20 he wore a black t-shirt and jeans with steal toed boots

He had a small stubble growing on his chin

His head snapped in my direction I laid down covering my mouth to prevent any sound

I heard his footsteps gets closer and slower

A dark shadow slowly crept towards me I closed my eyes hoping a miracle would happen

Then a phone rang I opened my eyes breathing heavily

"Mark here " he said in a deep tone I heard a loud distant voice on the phone that was yelling angrily

" Yes sir I'm" he said getting cut off by more yelling

" I'm on my way" he said ending the call

He sighed in frustration putting away the knife and he slowly walked away

I heard John breath out In relief and he sat up looking at me

"Why do they want to kill you" I asked his eyes began changing colors and his hand began to twitch

He closed his eyes breathing in deeply

"They don't want any witnesses that will snitch about my brother" he said standing up

I stood up with him and we walked out of the cave

We walked back up the mountain and came to the tree house

The sun began to set as we changed out of our wet clothes

I took off my shirt and turned around seeing John stare at me hungrily

"Uhm John" I said he looked up at me his eyes going back to normal

He shook his head

"Uh sorry" he said his expression was a mix of frustrated, lustful, and impatient

I had a strange feeling about John but I shook it off and finished changing

After we were dried we laid in our bed with the light off

I opened the window looking out at the stars

Axel flashed through my head and pain began to form in my chest

Images and memories began to play

I tried to remember his face but it was sort of a blur

I could remember his bright blue eyes and the dimples that formed when he smiled

I remember his strong body and his perfect teeth

I could remember the small things

Then old memories, bad memories began to play

I could remember axel putting me on my knees in the alley

I could remember him kicking me until I blacked out

My eyes began to sting with tears as I remembered my wolf howled in pain and sadness

I didn't want to admit it but I missed my mate

I forgive all the things he's done a normal person shouldn't

But I guess that makes me different I love that boy , my mate.

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