Damon Salvatore's Little Sister

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My name is Alexandra Salvatore but I go by Alex. I am Damon and Stefan's little sister. I haven't seen them since the big vamp war and I am now like 152 or something I don't really think about it. My own father killed me and at the time Katherine was feeding me her blood but I hadn't known. So when my father shot me I died and came back to life but Damon and Stefan have no idea. My favorite colors are purple, red, blue, and black. I don't really look like my brothers just little pieces. I just found out that they both are in a small town called Fells Church so that's where I'm going. I'm random, funny, smart, and nice if someone doesn't make me mad. I got turned when I was 17 so I'm 17 for ever and ever. I have long, wavy, brown hair and bright, sparkling blue eyes.


I parked my Porsche at a place called The Mystic Grill and walked inside and I saw........ Kathrine. I walked up to her and asked," Kathrine?" She looked at me with wide eyes and said," No I''m Elena Gilbert ." I nodded my head and said," Oh my bad, I'm sorry." "It's okay.' I walked up to the bar and ordered a coke. The house I got was amazing, it was huge. It had five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, two living rooms, a game room, a spa, and two pools. I had already signed up for school tomorrow so I went to the blood bank and got a bunch of blood baggies. I drank a bunch and went to bed in my princess like bed. I woke up in the morning and I saw the beautiful bathroom. It was my favorite color, purple. I got dressed in in a green shirt that says Guns Don't Kill People Ninjas Do, dark blue jeans, and maroon converse. I had a bunch of stupid classes, I mean really who needs English? I speak English frequently most days so no need. The school day dragged on and finally it was lunch, I walked in and Elena waved me over to them. "Hi Elena. I forgot to tell you my name is Alex." I told her. "Hey Alex, these are my friends Bonnie and Caroline. I waved to them because I knew Bonnie was a witch and if she touched me she would know I am a vampire. I sat down and Caroline asked,"So Elena how are you and Stefan?" "We're good, but he seems really distant lately." Elena said. "Who's Stefan?" I asked, playing dumb. "He's my boyfriend." "Well where is he now?" I asked. "He's at the football field." Elena told me. I nodded and the bell rang. My last class of the day was History which Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Stefan, and Matt, Elena's ex was in. Stefan didn't even notice me because he was staring at Elena, I was fake gagging because it was gross. the end of school finally came and I wondered around until football practice was over before I went up to Stefan. "Hi, I'm Alex." He looked at me real hard and said,"Stefan Salvatore. Do I know you? You look really familiar." I laughed and said,"How could you forget your favorite sister Stef!! I am so offended!" He looked even more confused and said,"I don't have a sister anymore she died..........." He trailed off."Alexandra is that really you?" He looked hopeful so I nodded yes. "My sister is back!" He screamed. I jumped into his arms and he spun me around and around."STEFAN SALVATORE PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" I screamed. He put me down and said,"Dang girl, you got some vocals." I laughed and walked off. "Where are you going?" He ran to catch up with me. "Home smart stuff." "Can I come?" He asked. "If you can keep up." I jumped into my red Porsche and he let out a low whistle. "That is one nice car." "I know it's my baby!" I laughed and drove away, a few minutes later I see his car right behind me. "I WON! AND YOU LOST!!" I yelled. I walked inside, put down my stuff, and said,"I'm bored lets go to your place bro." He laughed and said,"Aren't you always bored?" I nodded and walked back to my car. He should me the way to his house. When we got there he yelled,"I WON! AND YOU LOST!" I looked at him all serious like and said,"You shouldn't act the a child Stef, it's unattractive." He shook is head and said,"You did it at your house!" "Do you have proof of that statement?" I questioned with a smile on my face. "No but, you don't have proof that I just acted like a child." He smiled but I said,"You want to bet?" He nodded. "How about winner gets $100. He said,"This is to easy, I'm getting $100." I shook my head no and took out the camera that I had in my car. And showed him the video."No fair, I won't pay you!" I glared at him and jumped on top of him. "Okay, okay, I'll give you the money sis." "I knew I would get my way!" I walked inside and shouted,"Hello!" I waited a few minutes with Stef by my side and down comes Damon going as slow as possible. "Why hello beautiful." I gagged and said,"That's gross Damon." He looked at me strange and said,"Do I know you? You look familiar." I gasped in mock horror and said,"How could you forget me!?" I could see Stefan smiling and I elbowed him. "Am I supposed to remember you?" He looked even more confused than before. "Of course you should remember me I'm your sister, Alexandra Salvatore! STUPID!" "No, no, no, I would remember my own sister." He said. I laughed and said," Look closely Damon for you shall see me for me." He looked deep into my eyes and he jumped back a step and said," A-a-a-a-Alex?" I nodded. "I thought you were died." He said with tears in his eyes, he loved me the most and I loved him just as much. "I did but Kathrine was feeding me her blood and dad shot me because he thought I was in lead with the vampires." I opened Damon's arms and jumped into them. He spun me around and I yelled,"DAMON SALVATORE PUT ME DOWN NOW OR I'LL KILL YOU!" "No you won't, because I'm stronger than you." I laughed and said,"You want to bet?" I already had a smirk because I have powers that other vampires don't have not even the originals have the powers I have. He nodded and I said,"Loser has to buy winner dinner. But it will just be you and I, no Stef." He nodded and said,"One.......two........three..........go!" At first he was winning but before he could pin me I got on top of him and BAM I pinned him. I yelled "HAHAHAHAHAHA I WIN, YOU LOSE. I WIN, YOU LOSE!!!" Stefan was on the floor laughing super hard. "How did you freaking do that!! I'm older than you which makes me stronger!" I laughed and said,"Stefan leave this room and don't listen or I'll kill you." He left and I made sure he couldn't hear with one of my powers. "Lets just say I have a lot of powers that other vamps don't have." "Like what?" He didn't believe me but at the end of this he would, I have seen it. "I can read minds, fly, teloport, control the elements, heal people, shape shift, control people, see the future, extra strong, extra speed, I can do whatever I want, really." "Can you read my mind right now?" He asked still not on board with the idea. "Yes." "What am I thinking then?" He was thinking about Elena, how's she's so beautiful and perfect and not Kathrine. He was also thinking about being thirsty, wanting blood. "Your thinking about Blood, being thirsty, and most important Elena." He looked surprised and said your right." You really can read minds." "Well duh! And you owe me dinner tonight. And Stef instead of giving me $100 you can take me out to dinner tomorrow or something." Stefan laughed and nodded. "Alright, short stuff." "I'm NOT THAT SHORT! I'm like 5'6 or 5'7 that's not short!" They both laughed AT me NOT WITH me. I was about to start yelling at them but the door rang so I used my super speed to get the door. When I opened it I saw..........................

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