Who's at the door??

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When I saw who was at the door I screamed. It was................... my bestest friend.......Jared!!! "JARED!! OMG, I MISSED YOU!" "I know I missed you too!" We hugged for a long time cause the last time I saw him was like 1864. I pulled back and said,"But how did you get turned!?" "Well you know that girl I used to hang out with? Anna?" "Yeah, I remember her, you were obsessed with her!" I laughed. "Yeah well she fed me her blood and one thing lead to another and here I am the living dead." I laughed. "Who's at the door, Alex!?" Damon asked as he walked over to us. "It's Jared, Damon can you belive this!" Damon came over and gave Jared a very man like hug while I giggled at the sight. Damon doesn't hug many people. "Jared it's been to long. But you have changed lets see, you died your hair I see." Jared has tan skin, dark blue hair which I find funny, and green eyes. He was wearing a purple shirt that says I punched a vampire. "What vamp did you punch, Jare?" I laughed. "Uhm I punched Stefan." "No you didn't." I said. "Fine I'll go punch him right then, will that make you happy missy?" "Yes, yes it will." He laughed and Damon said,"I wouldn't if I were you, just don't say I heard that you are going to punch him okay?" We both nodded then Jar was gone. I heard Stefan yell,"OW! ALEX!" "It wasn't me I'm downstairs!" "WELL THEN INTRUDER ALERT! SOMEONE JUST PUNCHED ME!" He super ran downstairs to find me and Jare rolling on the ground with tears in our eyes beacuse we were laughing so hard. "Who is this, Alex!" He yelled. "You don't remember Jare-bear? He was the one that punched you now and used to pull pranks on you back then." I laughed again, helping Jare up. Stef was coming closer probably to try to kill Jare so I got in front of him and said,"To get him you'll have to go through me big bro." He got scared and backed off but kept giving Jared the evil-eye. I saw Jare stinking his tongue out at Stef so I grabbed his tongue and said,"Bad boy, bad bad bad boy." Then I let go of his tongue and wiped Jare-bear salivia on his shirt. I shuddered that was nasty. I was never going to do that again. "So do you think anyone else we knew was turned?" I asked Jared as Damon and Stefan walked away. "Ash may have been made one." I yelled in joy. My best friend, Ashley or as I like to call er Ash, may still be alive! But the next words that Jared said filled me with dread. "And I know for sure that Josh got turned." I shook my head in denial, Josh was my ex he had loved me for the first few months we had dated but, he'd gone crazy, trying to hit me and stuff. And yes I said TRIED he could never beat my super awesome ninja skills. But he got fed more vamp blood than me and he is older, which means he is stronger and faster. He also has all the powers I have which is why I am kind of scared of him. He hates me now because right before he turned and ran away, I broke his wrist or arm, I'm still not sure. The thing is I had always broke his bones when he tried to hit me but this time was different. He grabbed hold of my wrist , getting ready to smack me, I turned my wrist, grabbed his and turned till I heard............ CRACK! I did that all in one quick motion. His arm/wrist was broken. He looked at me with fury and pain on his face and in his eyes. "That's it! I will get you back Alex Salvatore!" He had yelled. "Well, here's some info Josh, Karma is a B*tch and I just gave you some Karma. Just so you know I'm not A b*tch, I'm THE b*tch, and to you I'm Ms. B*tch. And another thing, you really shouldn't mess with THE b*tch." I had told him. Then I flipped my hair and walked away.

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