Chapter 3

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(Jocilyn's P.O.V.)

I drove for nearly three weeks staying off of all pack lands and staying out of sight for police officers. When we finally stopped I got out and told the kids to stay in the car. We were in the middle of a field, it had a huge house that looked to be four stories high, it had a wall around the house like a huge gate, with forest surrounding it. It had a for sale sign in the grass field. I took out a disposable phone and dialed the number.
"Hello, Joanne Cravits, from 'Home and Rental Estates' here, how may I help you?"
"Hi, yes I'm calling to ask you about one of your houses, it's in the middle of a clearing."
"Ahh, yes. That old house, when would you like to see it."
"How soon can you get here?"
"Umm, about an hour, why?"
"Because I'd like to see that house today, if you don't mind."
"No not at all. See you in an hour."
I hung up, and got back in the car. "How about we have some food?"
"Yes, please." Ember said quietly.
"Yeah." Xena groaned.
"Sure." Myles sighed.
I got them some chips and a couple granola bars to snack on.
Like she said exactly an hour later Joanne showed up. "Hi you must be the young woman I talked to on the phone."
"Yes, ma'am. I've been looking for a place for us to settle down for a while now."
"Ah yes, okay so this piece of land has ten thousand acres of land, with more than one house. The main house is five stories high with a ball room, a huge dining room, a huge kitchen, and a family room on the first floor. On the second, there are eight bedrooms, all with walk in closets and full bathrooms. Same goes for the third, fourth and fifth floors. Then there is a basement and an attic. There is an empty garden house in the back along with six other houses, a libray, and what looks like it could be used as a hospital type house. There is a sports area with a basketball court, a baseball pit, a soccer feild, and a football field. Then there are also stables and horse trails. It comes to a price of eighteen thousand dollars." Joanne explained.
It can't be a coincidence this used to be a packs land, or it's just a really big coincidence. "We'll take it."
"Well it's not fully furnished but if you pay a little more than I'll have someone come furnish it."
"How much would it be with that?"
"Nineteen thousand."
"We'll take it."
(A/N: sorry I haven't updated, but I just graduated so I'll try to keep up more. Don't forget to update and like.)

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