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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, Avengers, songs, electronics, or places in this story they all go to their respective owners/authors/whatever else they're called. By the way this is an AU so there will be OCness in a lot of the characters like Smart!Percy for example. Thank you.

January 2, 03:30 EST: Gotham Juvenile Facility  

The inmates of Gotham's detention center were starting their Tuesday like normal, they woke up and went outside. It was too early in the morning and the convicts were in the small outdoor space nicknamed the yard. They were getting their daily dose of Vitamin D, even though the sun wouldn't show up over the horizon for at least another two hours. In the middle of January it was also really cold, the prisoners, ages 7-17, were all wearing short sleeved orange jumpsuits. That and the thin white t-shirt underneath were their only protection from the freezing temperatures. All inmates were also provided with shock collars to "keep order" among the prisoners, The numbers printed on the back confirming they were supposed to be there. Except when they weren't.

In one of corners of the yard sat a boy who looked no older than eight. He wasn't supposed to be here. He hadn't done anything bad, except steal a cookie from his mom's cookie jar. Which afterwards she had told him that all he had to do was ask if he wanted one next time. The boy was leaning against the cold metal chain link fence. His breath came out in little white puffs as if it hurt to breathe. In all honesty it probably did, the boy had been sick for weeks, combined with the chill of the air, it most likely hurt a lot.

Despite the freezing temperatures, his black hair was matted to his forehead with sweat. He had puked up blood earlier in the toilet in his cell. His sea green eyes were brimming with tears, because everything hurt. The simplest tasks were becoming difficult, all he had wanted to do was stay in bed when the guard had opened his cell door. He knew that he would have to move, or he would be punished. The guards liked to hit you with their sticks when you were out of line by a centimeter or late by a second. If his mom were here she would kick their butts with her Marine training and have them crying for their mommies.

The boy let out a small laugh at the image and a tear rolled down his face. The boy shook his head quickly and wiped the rest of the pooling moisture away from his eyes. 'No point in getting wrapped up in the past, Percy. No one is coming to save you.' The boy, whose name is now known as Percy, thought. He used the fence to help himself up when the bell rang, telling them to come inside.

Percy limped slightly as he walked across the yard to stand in line. The long line slowly walked their way back into the tan building. The kid turned and looked back one more time through the fence out onto the city of Gotham, freedom, before he was forced to walk inside. The line continued down the long colorless hallway, before making left into the cafeteria. Breakfast was served at 4:oo sharp. Percy could finally step into the cafeteria only to be pushed aside by older boys and girls. One of the girls actually hissed at him as if he had burned her with his presence.

When Percy made his way into the cafeteria, it was already a madhouse. He quickly side stepped to avoid a wrestling match that had started over where someone could sit. Percy quickly grabbed a green plastic tray. In the lunch line he grabbed two slices of bread and an orange. He quickly hid the orange in a corner of the cafeteria next to a small vent.

He grabbed the tray and sat down at a table. The reaction was like blood in a shark pool, all of the older teens swarmed around at the chance of food. Percy was shoved out of his seat as at least ten different sets hands ripped and tore apart the bread. When, the kids left there was nothing left. If he remembered correctly, Brutus the blonde fit like a bodybuilder, who was in here for two counts of first degree assault, had locked eyes with him when he had licked the tray clean. Percy gritted his teeth together in frustration, he had a problem with Brutus since he started out here about a year ago.

Auntie Natasha (Percy Jackson/Avengers/other random crossovers)Where stories live. Discover now