Chapter 15~

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Chapter 15~

The next morning Yonghwa called Seohyun bright and early.

Seohyun: "Yeobosaeyo?"

Yonghwa: "Ah Seobaby wanna hang out today?"

Seohyun: "Neh of course come over whenever you're ready."

Yonghwa: "Neh I'll cya soon."

Seohyun: " sound really tired. Gwen channa?"

Yonghwa: "Neh..."

Seohyun: "Aneeyo I know you're lying. Tell me the truth."

Yonghwa: "Aish well my parents got into a fight so I ended up sleeping in my old tree house in the backyard. It wasn't the most comfortable place haha. But gwen channa I'm fine."

Seohyun: "How about you come over neh?"

Yonghwa: "Neh! I'll be over soon!"


Soon Yonghwa arrived at the house and together they went up to Seohyun's room.

They talked for a while when suddenly Yonghwa grabbed a pillow and threw it at Seohyun.

Seohyun: "Y-yah! Mwoya igo?! Jugulle?!"

Seohyun grabbed a bunch of pillows and shoved them into Yonghwa's face. They started to playfully wrestle on the bed and suddenly their faces were close together.

Seohyun's heart raced. Their faces moved closer when suddenly someone cleared their throat.

Seohyun whipped her head around and saw her mother standing in the doorway. Quickly she climbed off of Yonghwa and smoothed down her hair. Yonghwa cautiously looked down on to the floor.

Mom: "I was just wondering if you two would like to join me and Seohyun's dad for a movie downstairs."

Seohyun: "Uhhh aneeyo umma. Gwen channa."

Mom: "Arasso. Ummm Seohyun-ah can I talk to you outside for a second?"

Mom: "Seohyun-ah I know you two are dating but you have to be careful. I don't want you doing anything bad in this house otherwise that boy will leave, arasso?"

Seohyun: "Yeh I understand umma."

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