The Flip

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"We can't have this conversation right now because we can't take any chances of one of them listening to what we're talking about!" I took a deep breath. "Just do me the favor & don't leave!" I got on my tippy toes & gave him a slight kiss on the cheek. As i exited the room I can feel his eyes glued to me. Now that I know he feels the same way about me that i feel for him it just makes things harder.

Yeah this is what I wanted. But how the hell could we ever be? Mom & dad will never accept.

I need to get out of the house, this is to much for me to sink in. I put on a jacket, grab my phone & my car keys, & head towards the house door.

"Rose?" I hear dad yell. His voice is coming from the living room.

With my hand on the knob I reply. "Yes daddy?"

"Come here!" He sounded concerned about something. "Am I in trouble?" I thought to my self.

I made my way over to the living room & sat next to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He was reading the daily news paper. Dad loved to do that when he was home & had some free time. Sit down on the cozy red couches in our big cozy living room, & just read.

He folded the news paper placed it on his lap & took off his glasses. *He wore glasses to read*

He placed his hand on top of mine. "Are you & Justin having problems?"

I should of known. I rolled my eyes & smiled.

"Dad, Justin & I are gonna have arguments, fights, disagreements. That's normal. What ever me & Justin we're mad at each other about is over now!" He seemed at peace when I said that.

"Good! I can't have my daughter & my son hating each other!" He went back to reading his news paper. I gave him a big kiss on the cheek & said with a smile on my face ..

"Dad you won't ever have to worry about Justin & I hating each other!" I walked off with a huge knot on my throat. I never thought that I'll be going through something like this. If dad knew how we felt he would much rather have us hate each other to death. I know that for a fact.

I started the car to take a simple ride. Not far but not to close just a ride anywhere. I need some air, I need some me time. I just want to get away. As I'm pulling out of the drive way my phone starts to ring. I turn it around to look at the screen & see who it is.

Surprise, Surprise is Sebastian. & I'm obviously not gonna answer. It's probably to tell me how much he misses me & how much he regrets doing what he did. I'm tired of his bullshit. I don't even want to let it ring so I ignore his call.

I stop at the nearest BP gas station around my house. As I'm unbuckling my seat belt I get a text, already knowing who it's from I roll my eyes as I open the text.

-Rose, all I need is one chance to express to you how I feel.

I took a deep breath before texting back.

-Sebastian I'll give you ONE chance & ONE chance only. Meet me at the BP by my house now. I'm not waiting anymore than 15 minutes.

About 10 minutes passed, I pumped my gas, & parked in a parking space. I'm already getting impaint. I promise that if he's not here in 5 minutes I'm leaving.

I spoke to soon... As I'm praying to god that he doesn't even show up he parks his black Charger next to my dad's black Beamer which I drive most of the times. This is the first time that we are actually face to face. After the break up, after the depression, after everything. As I'm feeling over whelmed I step out of my car with my arms crossed waiting for him to walk towards me.

He looks the same, black spikey hair, hazel nut eyes, tattoos all over the place. Now that I think about it he looks a lot like Justin. Great!

 "Hi Rose." He said softly while standing in front of me. With my eyes facing the groung I replied.

"Hey Sebastian."

"Can you look at me?" He asked. I looked up at him. With anger filling my eyes.

"Talk Sebastian!" I said with an attitude.

"Okay, I want to start off by saying that I love you-

"You love me?" I cut him off and asked sarcastically.

"Can I speak?" He asked frustratedly. I rolled my eyes.

"I deserve to be treated like shit by you, trust me I know that & I don't blame you. I just wanna apologize for everything I've done to you, & everything I put you through. All I want is another chance to prove to you that I have changed. I want another chance to prove to you that I am the Sebastian fell in love with."

"Give me one reason why I should give you another chance? Give me one good reason why I should put my gaurd down & let you in again?" It's more of an demand than a question.

He stood there confidently like always, with his hand in his pockets. I hate that about him. That he's just so confident. He's always so sure about every thing & has a way with his words. But the same things I hate about him are the things that caught my attention in the first place.

He's looking me in the eyes, with those puppy eyes. He took a step closer to me & took me by the hand. I didn't pull back.

"Because I've realized that what I feel for you I'll never feel for anyone else. & I'm almost possitive that you feel the same way."

I have no words. I can't agree, but I can't disagree either.

Before even getting the oppurtunity to reply to what he just said, before I even got the chance to pull away, or even make any kind of move what so ever. He placed his lips on to mine & began to kiss me gently. I'm going along with it while placing one hand on his neck. He has one hand tightly holding on to my waist, & he's getting a gentle grip of my hair with this other. This feels just like before. It happened so fast that I didn't even get the oppurtunity to think straight.

I stopped & gave him a small push while taking a deep breath. Trying to sink in what had just happened. 

"This doesn't mean that I'm giving you another chance.. But, I will thinking about it."

A huge smile formed in his face.

I got in my car, started it, put on my seat bealt, & drove off. I just want to go home. I left my house to take a breather from one situation to jump right into another one. All I want to do is take a nice warm shower & wash my hair. Maybe that'll take some of the stress away, we all know alcohol wont fix the problem. The outcome of that didn't work to well.

I get home & go straight to my room. Seems like mom & dad are asleep. Justin is most likely in his room.

I take off my pants, I take off my top, & I take off my bra, & I untied my hair. I have nothing but my polka dot panties on. As I'm reaching for my towel I hear my room door open. As a reaction I cover my boobs & turn around to see who it is.

Is Justin. He's not spying on me or anything I can tell he's just as shocked as I am. He stands there on the door & I stand here with my arms crossed covering my boobs. He looks up & down at my body. He looks afraid, or nervous. The feeling is mutual I guess. I'm taking deep breaths as I check him out to. A minute after this he decides to say something.

"I- I- umm I'm sooo sorry I didn't know-

"Is okay." I gave him a smile smile.

He shut the door & went into his room. I heard him close his room door.

I'm standing here confused about what had just happened. 

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