A Shoulder To Lean On;

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My eyes slowly open and roam around the room. My head is spinning and I can feel the hangover kicking in. I honestly don't know what's worse right now, this hangover or last nights drama.

I look at my phone about 20 missed calls from Sebastian that I don't plan on returning, and no missed calls from both Lance or Justin. I take a deep breath and run my fingers through my now dropped curls as I get up from the bed.

"Woahhh!" I stumble a little as I walk towards the room door. I guess I still have some of last nights liquor still in my system. This is such a horrible feeling.

I walk downstairs because I hear some noises coming from the kitchen. Kendall is with a big black bag in her hand throwing out every trash in sight, as soon as she notices me a smile forms on her face.

"What?" I yawn as I open the fridge reaching for some ice cold water.

"Last night was interesting..." She said.

I leaned on the counter taking a sip of my water. "Tell me about!" I mumbled.

I grab a big black bag and start helping. Shit is serious. Red cups everywhere, the floor is sticky from the spills, empty beer bottles and cans literally everywhere, this place is a total mess right now.

"Where's Lilly and Brit?" I asked while picking up cups from the floor.

"Up stairs sleeping, those two are gonna be so hungover. I bet everything on that."

I place my hand over my mouth stopping my self from gagging. "Please don't even mention that word. I feel like I'm about to die!"

Kendall just laughed. She seems a little to happy this morning.

"Soooo how did it go last night with Justin?" I asked curiously.

"Well besides us dancing all night long, we actually made out!" She said in a very happy and kind of annoying tone. I rolled my eyes as my back was turned. "Oh really?" I asked in a phony tone. "Yeah!" She cheered. "I didn't know he was such a good kisser." She said in a very surprised voice. "I mean I knew because he's so hot!" She added.

I put a fake smile on my face which is killing me right now to do. I feel fake, horrible, like such a bad person. Great so now I don't only have to hide this from my parents but now from one of my best friends to. This is such an uncomfortable position.

"Did he stay over?" I blurred out.

"Actually no he didn't, he didn't seem to in the mood after what happened." She answered.

"Don't even remind me about what happened, that's honestly the last thing I even want to talk about." I said in a serious tone while leaning on the counter.

Kendall walked towards me and stood there with her arms crossed. "Okay but let me tell you one thing, Justin really cares about you. The way he was defending you last night was really cute!" She said with a soft smile on her face.

I crossed my arms and smiled "Cute?" I asked.

"You know what I mean." She giggled.

As time went by I couldn't stop thinking about how I was going to solve anything. I need to talk to Justin, I need to apologize to Lance, and eventually I'll need to do something about the whole Kendall and Justin thing.

Finally after about 3 hours of nothing but cleaning the house is pretty much spotless. I run up stairs jump in the shower, and make sure I have all my things together before leaving.

"You're ready Lilly?" I asked as I gently rubbed her back as she brushed her teeth for like the 10th time today.

"I've never thrown up so much in my life." She wined as she wiped her mouth with a small white towel.

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