tomorrow coffee | yoonmin

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That's it. Today I'm talking to him. Thought the white haired young male as he looks up the brim of his porcelain mug, the coffee inside already too cold. He sets down the mug with a frown and licks his lips. But what if I make a fool out of myself? He bites his lips inconsiently, a habit of his. Do I look okay? He studies what he is wearing, ripped jeans and a white tee. His frown deepens. Am I too white? He analizes his pale hands and thinks deeply. He then think about how awfully lame he looks seating there looking like a creeper and wonders if he put on deodorant that morning.

He lets out a sigh. I guess I can talk to him tomorrow. The pale boy then proceeds to take out some bills and put them on the table. When he was about to get up from his chair he hear someone calling out to him. He looks up confused and his eyes widens when he see who is talking to him.

-"The coffee was that terrible?" - Questions a baby faced male with orange hair. For a moment the pale male doesn't know what to do. His brain tells him to run, but the only thing he hears is the sound of his heartbeats thundering on his ears.

-"I thought I had finally made it right." Jimin, as his shine nametag implies, then proceeds to pout and say something under his breath about going to kill someone for liying to him and making him looks like a loser. Yoongi eyes widens and he began to stutter.

-"N-no, of course not. It was, huh, a, the best coffee I've ever had!" He then flashes a unsure but convincing smile, at least he hopes it is. The other guy then let's out a relieved smile, but the next second is squinting his eyes and making a suspicious face.

-"But you barely drank it!" He points his index finger in accusation at the mug. "You don't have to lie, you know?"

Yoongi is starting to freak out by now, the only thing on his mind being Abort Mission. The strong scent of coffee and the perfume exhaling from the waiter boy making him dizzy was not helping, at all. What I do now?

-"The coffee was really good, I swear. I was just thinking to hard I guess, and then the coffee got too cold?" The decided in going for a half truth. Cause he can't just confess stuff like I was thinking about you actually. That's sounds creepy.

-You're thinking about me? As in me?" He points to his chest in disbelief, his cheekbones getting a shade darker.

-"Yeah, I was thinkin- Wait, what did you say?" The pale boy widens his eyes mortified when he realizes he said that out loud. Getting three shades darker them the other boy, he doesn't know what to do besides stare at him gaping like a fish. This is so humiliating.

That's when he hears the most beautiful laugh he have ever heard, that kind that take your breath away and all you can do is stare in awe and wonder how can a human being produce such a heavenly sound. What.

-"I was wondering what you was thinking and turns out it was about me? That's unbelievable. But good. Very good." Jimin sighs in delight and takes a stride closer holding out his right hand. "I'm Jimin, nice to finally meet you."

With the most blindening set of white pearls right at his face causing the blonde to take a sharp breath, he reaches for his hand shakingly still not believing the situation he was in.

-"I'm Yoongi, pleased to meet you." He manages a decent smile at least. Now he is really anticipating all the upcoming tomorrows.

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