Part 9

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After one week ..

Ana decided to move prince to a day care in Manhattan, near central park, as it was close to her work place and she could visit him during lunch breaks.

She got off the subway and put prince in the stroller to take him to the day care center. After few minutes, prince wanted to get off the stroller and walk. Ana agreed to his demand as they were walking by central park and it had a wide sidewalk.

Prince ran ahead of his mom and saw a small turnstile entrance to the park ahead of him. He ran towards it and snuck under the entrance and ran into the park.

Ana tried to run after him but couldn't run with the stroller and it wouldn't go through the turnstile. By the time she folded the stroller and got inside the park, she found prince standing by a lady, who was down on the ground. She immediately ran towards them.

Prince took Ana's hand and pointed towards the lady, who was down, prompting her to help. She immediately bent down and checked her pulse. She realized the lady was going through a paralytic attack and couldn't speak, but she followed her eyes which were pointing to her handbag.

She quickly opened the lady's purse and went through its contents. She found the emergency medication and started reading the instructions. She had experience working in old age homes, so she knew the procedure.

She measured the medication as per the instructions and gave the lady an injection. She moved the lady so that she could rest her head in her lap and took out her phone and dialed 911 for help.

She also was holding prince with one hand so that he won't run away from her and as she was not in a position to chase him.

Prince wasn't aware of the seriousness of the situation and started talking to the lady in his mumbo jumbo language, seriously explaining to her about his toy. Ana wasn't sure if the lady was in a position to hear or understand what prince was saying, but she felt happy when the lady extended her hand and took prince's hand and kissed it. Prince also bent down and kissed the lady's cheek.

At the same time, she could hear the sirens coming towards them. Soon the paramedics arrived and took control of the patient. They enquired about Ana's relationship to the patient and she told them how prince found her and about the medication she administered and they thanked her for saving the lady's life. They got the doctor's name from the medication and told her they would find more about the patient after calling her doctor. For some reason the patient's name was not mentioned on the medication.

Ana realized that she was more than two hours late to office after dropping off prince and was in serious trouble, as she missed an important vendor meeting with CEO and the team.

Meanwhile at the Shah headquarters, Rahul was nervously pacing around in his office waiting for the clock to turn nine. He thought he was immune to having feelings for any other woman other than his sweetheart, but since his encounter with Ana, he has been having difficulty concentrating on work.

He has been waiting eagerly for this meeting as it would give him a chance to see her again. His presence at the meeting was not required, but he started getting involved with the project so that he could see her more often. He glanced at the clock one more time and then slowly made it to his desk trying to calm his emotions.

Exactly at nine, he went into the adjoining conference room where everyone assembled for the meeting. He didn't find her among the attendees. As the meeting progressed, he kept on looking at the door, hoping she would enter anytime. The meeting came to an end without Ana.

Rahul felt disappointed and his frustration turned to anger. He called up Jason, Ana's boss, and shouted at him for not being able to account for his team member.

Just then Ana entered her office.

"Ana .... great you could make it to office today. You really need to rethink your priorities and decide if you really need this job. You are destroying my career too. You better go and talk to the CEO to find out if you still work here." Jason pounced on her and sneered after his last comment, hoping she gets fired.

Ana knew she was going to be in trouble, but wasn't expecting to get fired for saving someone's life. She reluctantly moved towards Rahul's office.

She knocked on his door and entered the room after hearing his voice. As soon as she entered, his phone started ringing and he got on the phone and motioned her to wait.

She stood there watching his face and lips as he talked on the phone. It should be a crime to be so handsome and rich at the same time. If things were different she would love to go over his face, touch and feel each part. Once every minute he would run his hand through his perfect hair. She felt the urge to stop him from doing that and wondered how it would feel to run her hands through his hair and how it would feel like, to kiss him, but remembered that she was there to get reprimanded not for an romantic session. "Maybe I should try it as I am getting fired anyway," she thought.

She figured it was a serious call as his face changed expressions and he looked worried. He quickly got up from his chair and grabbed his coat.

"You are lucky I am not firing you. You missed an important meeting today and I am not happy about it. I need to go now, but will discuss this with you later." He said opening the door for her and making his way to the elevator.

"I can explain ..."

"Ana...I am not interested in explanations, only results. Make sure you don't miss any more meetings. I will talk to you later." He said leaving, as the the elevator doors closed.

Ana returned to her office and the moment she logged onto her computer, a memo from HR popped up informing her of office rules regarding punctuality and the consequences of not following the rules. She got really mad at the way she was being treated as no one bothered to hear her side of the story.

The next two days went smoothly, but Ana felt as if she was dragging her time at the company. She was sure Rahul was looking for a reason to fire her though she couldn't understand his reasons.

It was Thursday and she was returning from lunch, when climbing down the stairs, she saw Rahul coming from the opposite side. She looked straight into his eyes and her heart started fluttering. Suddenly a feeling of weightlessness enveloped her and she realized she missed a step and was sailing in the air towards Rahul.

Rahul caught her and enveloped her in his strong arms. The moment she hit his chest, old memories and familiar feelings flooded her body. She felt the heat from his hands, as he secured and held her tightly, wondering if they left burn marks on her skin. Rahul carried her downstairs and put her back on ground safely, but his hands refused to leave her waist.

Ana recovered quickly as other people were gathering around and whispered to Rahul "Thanks for saving me. You can remove your hands now."

"Are you sure? Can you stand on your own? " He asked sarcastically tightening his hold around her waist.

"I am fine. People are watching us, so please remove your hands. It's for your own good."

"Really you are worried about me now? First you try to fall under my car and now you crash into me - does this happen with everyone or just me." He asked, squeezing her waist slightly before releasing her reluctantly.

Ana glared at him, mumbled a thank you and ran to her cube, as Rahul was still digesting the feeling of having her in his arms. He felt the same feeling, he experienced with his sweetheart. Momentarily she filled the void in his heart and he felt as if he wanted to hold onto her forever. The trip downstairs was totally worth it, as he came down, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Slowly he made it to his office and asked his secretary to get Sam immediately.

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