Chapter 1

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He was right it was all my fault, i should have been on that plane not my mom, was the last thing i said before i blacked out....

I wake up on the floor feeling sore then ever, yesterday was one of the worst beatings i ever gotten. Maybe, because yesterday was the day my mom died and my dad took more then enough drinks, i look at the clock and it read 6 a.m i still have an hour before school, but might as well get out this hell hole before he wakes up and decides to hit me more. As i make my way to my shower i turn on the hot water and get in to relax my sore muscles, after a while i get out and take out my everyday school outfit which is jeans with a sweat shirt. As i remove my towel i look at myself in the long mirror. I look so disgusting with bruises all over my stomach, legs, and just one on my left eye, a tear slips down my face as i examine my once beautiful curvy body to this now ugly bruised up one.

As i silently walk down the stairs i make my way to the kitchen and open the top drawer where i find 10 dollars just there, i take it and put it in my pocket, i walk out the front door and start heading the four blocks to school. On my way to school i see a flier on a window and my curiosity took the best of me, i walk up to the window and read the flier ' secret mask dance tonight at 7:30 here at the one and only club, come with a date or alone'. This sounds so fun something so ordinary to do, with ordinary friends and an ordinary father to take you, but too bad i'm not ordinary. I sigh and keep walking to school.

Mom why did you leave me?

Fourth period rolls around, worst period of the day that's my lunch and i seriously sit by myself, as i make my way to the corner table i put on my head phones and hoodie. I take a bite of my sandwich when I see Chris Hollin the hottest, sexiest, most dangerous, jock at my school, and his minions walking up to my table, he's known to have been arrested more then 30 times and I heard that he once got into a drunk driving accident, I just know he's someone to stay away from. I mentally prepare myself for the humiliation about to go down.

He sits across from me and smirks while putting one of my fries in his beautiful, kissable lips of his. ugh Emma stop thinking like that he's such a jerk to you. "hi doll face you're looking real.... ugly today, did you shower because I smell you from here, do you know what a brush is or you don't have enough money to buy one, is that the reason why you always wear a hoodie..... wait wait wait do you know what chap stick is because your lips really need some." was the last thing he said before he threw me his chap stick, winked at me and walked away with his stupid minions laughing right behind him. I don't know why he's always picking on me I've never even said a word to him my whole life. Maybe I'm just something people see and think they can abuse physically (dad) and verbally (Chris).

School ended about an hour ago and I'm currently sitting here at the cemetery just talking to my mom. "so I figure you seen what happened last night, and I know you seen what happened during school, but I just want you to know I'm strong and you raised a very strong women." I whispered to my mothers tomb that read 'A loving and caring Mother and Wife, may your soul forever be in peace.' A few tears slipped down my face as I explained to my mother how much I wanted to go to this dance tonight, but couldn't because my father is home and I know he would kill me if I even leave the house, or come home late. Around 4:30 I end up saying good bye to mother again, for the past 2 years I've came to visit her right after school, but I made sure to arrive home at 5 on the dot. As I take a deep breath I push the key in the lock and unlock the door, I make my way to the kitchen and see a note on the counter, 'I left for a couple of days and I'm coming home Friday at 10 p.m. better find something to eat bitch because I'm not leaving any money for you whore' I throw out the note and thank my mom for getting this man out the house for a couple of days so I can go to the dance and not feel like I'm going to die and share a grave with my mother every time I enter this hell hole.

I look at myself in the mirror and look at my long beautiful black with gold sparks open in the back until my mid waist dress my mother bought for me the week before she passed away, with my curly long black hair covering half my back. I did my makeup simple, so my hazel eyes can pop out and so it can compliment my caramel skin. I put on my black heels and my gold mask I bought right before I got into the shower, I got my gold handbag and put my cell phone, lip gloss, money and house keys in it. I make my way to this club it isn't like those small clubs, this one is a huge one, when I get there, there are already many people here dancing, drinking and talking. I go up to the bar tender and ask for a soda he serves it to me and I walk to the corner and just stand there looking at everyone being so happy, giving a care in the world. After just being here for about twenty minutes I make my way to the door so I can just leave and go to bed and cry for even thinking I fit in with these people. Getting through the crowd was hard, but finally as I reach the door a guy bumps into me and I almost fell until he caught me from behind and pulled me close to him, I turn around and stare into the most beautiful blue eyes ever they look so familiar, but I just cant warp head around to who. I turn around again so I can leave, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back in and whispers something in my ear. "I'm so sorry, can I make this up to you with a dance" his breath made me shiver, but in a good way, not like my father every time I hear him walking up those stairs at night just to beat me. Stop thinking about your father and dance with him you stupid ass. I nod my head and he takes me to the dance floor to dance with him.

When the song ended which let me just say took forever and I thought I was going to die out there, I said a quick thanks and tried to walk past him to initially do what I was planning to do from the beginning which was leave and go home, but hint the word tried because he wouldn't let me leave he asked me to go to a more quite place with him so we can talk and of course I said yes. Since when do I agree to go somewhere "quite" with a guy I don't know I'm seriously planning my own death right now, but I'm not scared of anything anymore, as we make it to the back a little farther away from the music he starts to talk.

"What's your name?" I look up at him and just stare into his eyes for what felt like years. "I don't think we are suppose to say, it gives away the whole purpose of the mask theme" I said laughing a bit, he tilted his head and smiled at me, we stared at each other for a while before he cleared his throat which startled me a little and caused me to jump. "okay since you wont tell me your name at least tell me your age and what school you go to?" he said. "I'm 17 and I go to Columbus high school what about you?"

"I do too and I'm 18 maybe we have classes together, but I know I would recognize a beautiful lady like you any where, but I wouldn't know unless.." he pauses and starts walking towards me "you show me who you are", he lifted his hands and I flinched away. Great now he thinks I'm a werido who thinks everyone is going to hit me . "don't worry I'm not going to hurt you, I promise" he whispered, I just noticed how close we are because I can feel his minty breath on my cheeks, he lifted my mask and backed away, he dropped it and turned around "I'm sorry I have to go" he said over his shoulders and as he said he walked away getting lost among the crowd and I didn't even stop him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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