Chapter 12

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Aurora POV

I must've passed out or something cause it was daytime and I didn't know where I was.

'I must've gone out of pack lands'.

I stood up and started to wander the grassy, bright forest.

After a few minutes of walking, I heard a noise behind me. I ignored it thinking it was just a rabbit or a forest animal.

But I started to panic when the noise became loud growls. I turned forward and started to quickly run away. I slowed down when the growling became distant enough.

I am officially lost, that's just peachy (Sarcasm btw).😱

I don't know what told me to look back but of course I did.


Two male wolfs were quickly emerging out of the dense forest. The larger one was blonde and covered in dirt and grim and looked crazed.

The other one was gray but instead of dirt it was dried blood and lots of it.

And their smell was burning my nose, slowly disintegrating my sense of smell.

"Oh come on!" I yelled while running. I kept running till I tripped and fell in a empty clearing, "Ughh, fuck my life!" I said while trying to get up.

Sadly I was to slow preceding to run again and was being circled by the two nasty wolves.

I was attempting to think of ways I could fight back or get out of this.

'Shit nothing works!' I thought. I could try to fight back but I could only hold off one considering my weakened state from the events of earlier this morning.

While I was thinking the blond one launched at me and bit its disgusting teeth into my right leg and shook its head. His action ripped the flesh around the holes it made from the bite.

"Fucking asshole!" I yelled while punching it in the face till it finally let go. My leg was bleeding profoundly and my vision and energy was depleting slowly.

I cried, I cried because of the pain, because of the situation, because I'm going to die a very shitty and uncool death. I covered my eyes pondering of my death.

Through the growls of the two rouges circling me I heard three more appear, 'Oh how fucking fantastic!' I thought.

I hear struggling and the sounds of flesh and bone being ripped and broken apart. 'Now their fighting to see who gets to kill me'.

I didn't pick my head up until I heard all the growling come to a sudden stop. I open my eyes and slowly look up to find a pair of feet. "Get up" a manly voice said from behind me, 'He is an Alpha' I thought, i could feel it from the power in his voice. I hesitated but followed the order.

I struggled to stand up on my injured and bleeding leg, I slowly turn around and face the guy. Looking past him I could see the dismantled bodies of the rouges that attacked me.

'Goodridens' I thought. I look up at his face not really paying any attention to his facial features. 'But he looks familiar' I thought.

"Who are you and what are you doing on my land!" The young alpha yelled in a thick British accent.

Honestly i didn't know why I was there either. Thinking of an answer, I remembered all the shit that's been happening to me and its all because of that asshole. Then the waterworks came...again.

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