16. Together again

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~Lockwood's P.O.V.~

Its been 8 months and Lucy and I have decide to be together again. She has really showed that she loves me and that she wants to be with me again. Lucas and Evie are official now and they go on lots of dates.

Jake, well, Jake is still Jake but he has accepted that Im his father now. Well, I have been his father this whole time but he still believes that Kipps is his biological father.

George and Holly are super excited, they're having another baby, they don't want to find out if its a girl or a boy but if its a boy they're apparently naming him Anthony and if its a girl, they'll name her Melody. I'm hoping its a girl.

"Hey, Lockwood, can we go to the store later? I need to get some things" Lucy says from the restroom. "What, yeah" I tell her.

She walks into the room and sees the journal and pen on my hands. "What are you writing?" She asks, coming closer. "Nothing" I say softly and put the journal inside the bedside table.

She glares at me playfully and goes back into the restroom, "what things do you need to get?" I ask going after her. "Just.........things" she says and hides her smile.

"Mmh" I moan as I hug her from behind and look into her eyes through the mirror. "You sure you cant tell me" I smile and she shakes her head "its a secret" she laughs.

"Ima go make breakfast" I say after a while of failing to convince her to tell me.

"Dad!" Evie yells "yes?" I ask asshe comes into the kitchen. "Dad, can you take Lucas and I to the mall later?" She asks and I sigh.

"Evie, please ask your mother. You know I hate going to the mall" I tell and she walks around the counter. She places her hands on my shoulders and peaks her head from the side.

"But you're my favorite" she says and gives me the puppy eyes. "Fine" I sigh and a smile that reminds me of my own appears on her face, "thanks" she says and runs out of the kitchen.

A while later Jake comes in "hey, can you set up the plates on the table?" I ask and he nods. He takes 7 plates and cups and places them neatly on the table.

I notice his big smile and ask "What's going on?", no matter what he says he's usually always in a bad mood. "Umm, I....... I got a girlfriend" he finally says.

"Congrats" I say and hug him from the side, "yeah" he smiles "when are you presenting her to us?" I ask and he shrugs.

"She told me she wants it to be a secret. She hasn't told her parents" he says and I shake my head "I'm sorry son but you have to break up with her" I say and he shakes his head "no but he thinks everyone will judge him!" He yells.

"He?" I ask and he turns to run but I get a grip on his arm. "Dad, I really like him. And I'm sorry if you don't approve of it, but I don't care!" He yells and a few tears fall from his eyes.

"Jake! Why on earth would you ever think that I wouldnt approve" I yell "because" he says. I kneel down infront of him and place my hands on his shoulders so I can see him better, "you're my son. I wouldn't ever disapprove of you. If you like boys, then that's fine. I want you to be happy" I say. He moves quickly and hugs me tight, I hug him back as tight and don't let go for a few minutes.

I pull him back and he has teary eyes, "come on, dont cry, you'll make me cry too" I joke and a small smile appears on his face. "Go call everyone to come down and eat" I tell him and he walks away.


"Guys, we're going on a vacation next week, all of us" I say to them and they all cheer. "Today though, us parents are going to the movies. You children are going to the playground or something" I say and Jake nods excitedly.

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