Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters I do however own Terra Grayson, Crag, Zeus, and Gaia
7 years later
Terra POV:
Crag and I were sitting at one of the tables. Crag was my exceed I had hatched when I was 18. He has dark brown fur, the color of mud, and forest green eyes. He had on black pants and a light green sleeveless vest with a small sword strapped to his right side and a messenger bag leaning on his left side. His yellow guild mark was on his back and hidden by his vest. I was drinking a strawberry and banana smoothie and Crag was eating a fish, when the door was kicked in. And of course it was my rambunctious little brother Natsu. However I could see a blonde girl/young women behind him. She couldn't have been any older than Natsu himself was. Wonder where he found her, poor thing.
"We made it back alive!"
"We're home." Natsu and Happy exclaimed.
"Natsu your back." I said along with everyone else in the guild.
"So heard you went all out in Hargeon huh Natsu. Guess you got into some trouble..." Poor guy didn't even get to finish his sentence before Natsu kicked him in the face.
"You lied about that Salamander, I'm gonna kick your butt!"
"Don't get mad at me I just passed along a rumor here!"
"It was just a rumor!"
"Want to fight!" And with those words a guild wide brawl started out. I threw up an Earth wall in front of Crag and I, well after Crag had gone and saved his adopted 'baby' brother Happy. Natsu had hatched Happy a few months after Crag had hatched for me so Crag saw himself as the older brother figure of Happy.
Poor thing was hit across the room. A few seconds passed when Elfman slammed into my wall cracking it.
"Okay that's it!" My hair started to rise and shards of rock floated around me as my earth wall broke into pieces to give me extra ammo. I threw my hands towards the crowd and the rocks followed my movements slamming them all into walls. "Can we knock it off for ten seconds I mean really now! What are we five?!" I felt Gramps' behind me.
"Will you fools stop bickering like children?" His giant voice is so different from his normal one it's kind of funny really. I suddenly heard laughing and face palmed of course it was Natsu. I turned my head and watched Gramps step on him effectively shutting him up. Gramps then turned to the blonde chick. "Well seems we have a new recruit."
"Yes sir." She squeaked frightened. With a mighty yell Gramps shrank down to his normal height. Which was quite small I'm telling you. Gramps tried to flip onto the second floor railing but he was a little short, cue inner snicker, and slammed into it before pulling himself on top of it.
"You've all gone and done it again, you bunch of clods! Look how much paper work the Magic Council sent me this time!" He held up a stack of papers. "This is the biggest pile of complaints yet! Have you all lost your minds?! All you kids are good for is getting the higher ups mad at me!" His lecture caused us all to hang our heads. I felt like I was with Zeus and Gaia again getting a lecture for doing something wrong. Telling you now having two dragons giving you a lecture isn't fun, not one bit. "However," we looked up to see Gramps use his magic to catch the stack on fire. "I say to heck with the Magic Council," He threw the stack into the air and Natsu jumped for it stuffing it into his mouth. "Now listen up, any power that surpasses reason still comes from reason right? Magic is not some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy of the natural world are in perfect synchronization. To perform magic one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus it should take over your being and pour out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following the rules than our magic will never progress! Don't let those blowhards on the council scare you, follow the path you believe in! Cause that's what makes the Fairy Tail guild number one!" And with that we all threw are right hands in the air in the classic Fairy Tail symbol.

The Earth and Lightning Dragon Slayer: Terra Grayson
FanfictionWhat if there was another dragon slayer but instead of raised by only what she was raised by a mated pair? Meet Terra the adopted elder sister of Natsu. Join her as she goes through the everyday life of Fairy Tail and her relationship with a certain...