Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters I do however own Terra Grayson, Crag, Zeus, and Gaia
The entire walk home I couldn't shake the bad feeling I had. "Lullaby... why does that name sound familiar?" I asked myself aloud when Crag and I separated from the group . "I feel like I've heard that name somewhere before. I just can't see, to remember." I muttered crossly my arm crossed over my chest.
"Don't worry I'm sure it'll come to you soon." Crag replied reassuringly before landing on my head and promptly falling asleep.
"Lazy act." I muttered affectionately under my breath while removing him from my head to hold him against me. As I approached the door to mine and Laxus' house I caught a whiff of rainstorms and sighed happily. Laxus was home! I opened the door carefully as not to jar Crag too much and softly shut it behind me. I walked to Crag's room and softly set him on the bed he woke up long enough to get himself comfortable again and was then out like a light. With that done I set off in search of my boyfriend . I noticed as I walked by the kitchen that my note was no longer there so he's seen it and seeing as how I didn't hear the Lacrima TV or any running water there was only one place he could be. With that thought in mind I headed up the stairs and to our room and peaked inside sure enough there he was fast asleep.
My amazing boyfriend was laying there no shirt on, hand behind his head and snoring softly. Looking at his sleeping figure reminded my body how tired it was as well. I softly kicked off my boots, that I forgot where still on my feet till that moment, and crawled in beside him resting my head on his chest sighing contently. I jumped slightly as his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. I hadn't even felt him move! I must have been more tired that I originally thought!
He chuckled and I slapped his chest in mock anger with a pout on my face. "Meanie." I muttered.
"I missed you." He said gruffly sleep still heavy in his voice.
"Missed you to." I told him reaching up kissing him lightly. With that said and done we fell asleep peacefully wrapped in each other's arms.
I know this chapter is really short it's basically just a filler chapter but I wanted to have a Laxus and Terra moment even if it was short. I don't know when I'll update next because real life has been difficult but I'll update when I can.

The Earth and Lightning Dragon Slayer: Terra Grayson
FanfictionWhat if there was another dragon slayer but instead of raised by only what she was raised by a mated pair? Meet Terra the adopted elder sister of Natsu. Join her as she goes through the everyday life of Fairy Tail and her relationship with a certain...