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Michael's POV:

I groan as I tossed the other way in the bunk. Nope, try the other. I turn the other way and almost fall out off my bunk. I groan and fix myself before trying to fall asleep again.


"Hhhmmhhh" I groan when hearing him not wake up.

"Hey Luke!"

"Huh? What Michael?" He say rubbing his eyes and turning towards me.

"I can't sleep, and I'm scared." I said pouting, he sighed and scooted over on his side. I smiled and quickly got out of my bunk and got into his.


"Way better." I said smiling when he wrapped his arm around me.

"Ok no sleep ok." I nod and cuddle up to him slightly, before slowly drifting off to sleep.

Luke's POV:

"Wake up you two!" I jump when feeling water fall all over me.

"What the fuck!" I scream as I get up and look around seeing Michael on the ground groaning as he rubbed his face and quickly widen his eyes.

"Ow ow ow, Luke what the heck man! I think I broke my nose!" He quickly put his hand around it and started walking towards the bathroom with Ashton.

"What the duck Luke! You're suppose to love Michael not hurt him! Get it right boy!" I sigh and push Calum out of the bunk room as I get a shirt and new boxers to change into. And wait did he just say duck rather than fuck?

"I swear this band is a wreck," I say as I slip on the new pair of underwear and yawn while
popping my back and other bones in my body. I slip off my shirt and then put on another one.

"Ashton's taking Michael to go get his nose checked and to get a hair cut!" Calum screamed as he walked in.

"Calum there's no need for yelling ok, shhh it's early." Calum nodded before leaving me alone and walking out. I swear the kid can be so random, older than me or not.

I wonder what type of haircut Michael is going to get.


A/N: ok ok :-) guess what?

I have a girlfriend :D she cool and adorable and cute and awesome, and beautiful and epic, and pretty and funny. :-) she's pretty amazing ok cx

Anyways short chapter just wanted to update so yeah, I've been busy lately sorry.

Hope you love, Bye~Sam.

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