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Michael's POV:

"Don't you think you're over exaggerating Mikey?"

"Calum I swear I'm going to kill you if you tell me that again." I say annoyed as I sat in the hotel room we had rented to since we had to write our next album during this period instead of lounging around in the bus

"I'm sorry Mikey, just I don't know what else to say. Cause it seemed like you over exaggerated a bit."

"Calum I love him, I know I do. He hurt me and he know he did. Bringing up something that I may seem mad about, is going to just make me just not regular Mikey." I sighed as I got under the covers tired of this, and of what keeps crossing my mind.

"What do you mean seem mad?" Calum asked as he laid in the bed next to mine.

"I'm not mad, I'm just very very saddened by the incident. It hurts Calum, it hurts a lot. It makes me feel pain and sorrow. It makes me want to cry my eyes out for a while, I'm not just mad or annoyed. No it hurts to think of it Calum it just does, and you want me to just get over it. I'm sorry it's going to get me a while to not feel sad and many more emotions when that skank is brought up. So yeah, I'll try just getting over it. Give me some damn alcohol and I'll get over it, but I already know you won't like it."

"M-Mikey I-"

"You didn't suspect the happy, fun person to feel sad. Calum if it's not obvious, but everyone is sad over things; somethings just get people even more sad."

"Mikey you're scaring me, just tell me you'll be ok after a while." I sighed

"I'll be ok Calum, I promise, go get some sleep." I said as I tuned the lamp off, that was between us two.

Luke's POV:

"Luke I swear to god, I'm going to smack Michael if he's giving Calum a hard time." I listened to ashton worry about (basically his boyfriend) Calum.

"Ashton go to sleep, he's not going to do anything. He's not mad, he's just sad. I hurt him, and that's my fault."  I say and Ashton sighed.

"Luke he has to get over it, he can't act that way every time that happens." I feel myself ready to defend Michael, I try and hold myself from arguing with Ashton.

"He can't act so fucking pathetic every time someone says her name."

"Why?! Cause like fucking Calum didn't get all sad and smocked and cried and drank a shit ton when you and Brianna went out? Hmm? To let you fucking know Michael isn't always happy, no one is always happy. And you don't know what he's been threw, and I don't either. He could have been hurt badly and only fucking Calum may know. So Ashton, shut the hell up. And don't ever fucking call my baby pathetic! Got it?!" I was mad, and Ashton was startled and scared by my outburst. But fuck him, he can't say stuff like that about my Michael. No one can.

"I'm going out, you better apologize, and tell him I love him."

"They should be asleep"

"Well tell him once you wake up and he's up dumbass." I said as I walked out slamming the door. I walked down, I was just mad so I was just gonna go for a walk. Probably met a few fans since they know we are here.


"Mister? Uh yeah I don't mean to bother your book reading, but my daughter loves the band you're in and I just want to ask if I can get an autograph and a small video saying hi?" I looked up seeing a lady who wore a brown sweater and mom jeans. Trust me I know mom jeans when I see them.

"Yeah, sure." I smiled at her as she handed me a piece of paper that seemed to be from a letter, I looked at it confused. But asked for a pen anyways, not wanting to be nosey.

"She lives with her father while I'm at college, and yeah I was writing the letter in the library cause it's quieter than the dorms and yeah haha." She smiled at me, she seemed a bit awkwarder than most parents.

"That's sweet, do you see her on holidays or when you have breaks off of school?" I asked as I wrote a small message.

"Yeah, she's 12 and has had so much to go threw her life at a young age. But she always smiles when she hears the names Luke, Michael, Ashton, and Calum." She smiled as I handed her the pen and letter.

"I'm glad we make her happy even if she's had a hard life at such a young age, miss." I said while smiling at her.

"Mind telling me her name?"

"It's Alex, haha, let me get my phone out real quick." I nodded and waited patiently.

"Ok, can you just say hi and I don't know something nice haha. Sorry I've never talked to such a big celebrity and yeah haha." I smiled and nodded.

"Hi Alex, I hope you had/have a great day, and your mom is very nice haha. I'm sure you're a cool person, and it was nice talking to you somewhat, haha." I said smiling and laughing a bit as she recorded.

"Thank you so much! You don't understand how happy she's gonna be, she totally adores you four. And yeah." She quickly said bye and left leaving me smiling and just looking down at my feet.

"Damnit that's a hard as hell life." I said as I think back to what I read in the letter. I know, I know being nosey is bad blah blah blah. But come on, who else wouldn't?

'I hope Mr. Ortiz can help you love, I know you said they were being even more harsh with the words and their actions. But please tell someone but your father, I don't want you hurt.'

That was all that I read, and that was enough for me to know this person was going threw tough shit. I sighed and rubbed my face as I grab the random book with pictures of sea creatures in them, and put it away. Time to go back now.

I checked my phone and it was 9 pm, what type of library stays open this late.

I sighed as I walked out, not suspecting the rain. Typical, rain after walking out of the library with a cafe inside of it. So typical, I should have suspected it.

"Luke!" I turn around and see a person running towards me. I take a step back as they get closer and faster.

"Get your ass here right now!" The person yelled. And I realized...

This bitch needs to get a damn life.

"I'm out." I said as I started walking even faster to my hotel.


"Nope! I dumped you! You're out of here! Suppose to be in the trash where you belong!" I shout back, as I see my hotel get closer.


"I don't think I will! I like the gay side better!" I screamed back before I reached my hotel and got inside, happy that I was now able to run faster to get to my room before that thing can follow me.

Today has been a long ass day.


A/N: a bit all over the place and messy, I know I know I sowwy.

But hey I updated!!! Haha I'm trying to update but school is draining me and it barely stared c,: and I'm like ughhhhhh

Imma try tho, for you guys c,: ok

Hoped you loved, Bye~Sam.

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