the lonely

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Soon Boncy and the others grey connected and happy they loved having fun Mr.k was sitting in he's usual booth Roger was staring at Boncy like he knew him they all had to freeze when the night gaurd came in it was the 5th night witch Boncy will have he's fun Boncy ran down the corridor fast very fast when Boncy got there he was about to jump scare him but suddenly he got shot 5 times toy Boncy ran to Boncy than killed the nightgaurd with the gun Boncy was on the ground when it hit 6 am so in the morning he got dragged to parts and services to get repaired but he kept shutting down so he got sent back to the parts and storage and he was alone except Roger Roger was so nice to him so when Roger felt scared since he was blind Boncy let him lay down next to him

(to be continued)

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