Chapter two

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A/N: there is allot of cursing in this chapter from both {Y/N} and Jeff so be warned

What happened the last time:

Just as we pushed our hardest against the door, Liu opens it and I tripped and fell over {Y/N} who screams out of surprise and we both land face first on the ground.

~Liu's POV~

As Jeff apologizes to {Y/N} and blushes like mad I came with a pun perfect for the situation "Hey Jeff did you just fall on {Y/N}? Be careful you might crush her.", after that a flushing red {Y/N} told me to shut up, right after that my mom told {Y/N} to go home. And she said goodbye with a cute smile on her face, and we also said goodbye"Can we see you tomorrow?" Jeff said still a bit red "Sure Jeff." "Can we play at your place?" I asked and {Y/N} replied with "Only if my parents say It's okay, I'll go ask them when I come home." And said goodbye and as she walks back home I saw Jeff drooling again, I think he might has a crush on {Y/N}, while we walked down stairs for dinner I started to tease my younger brother Jeff saying things like."does our little Jeffy-Boo has a little crush on {N/N}?" as he keeps replying with "s-shut up Liu.

"I run down the stairs and the only thing I kept screaming was "JEFF HAS A CRUSH ON {N/N}!!!!" with a tomato red Jeff running behind me "SHUT UP LIU!!!! I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON {Y/N}!!!!!!!" he said, then I said something I shouldn't have said "And what is this picture of laying on top of her?" "YOU TOOK A PICTURE?!" Jeff screamed at me and I replied with a yes and Jeff gotreally angry and screamed at me "YOU STUPID C*NT, GET BACK HERE!!!"As I just simply replied with "lolnope!" then a really angry Jeff screamed "I SWEAR TO GOD IF I CATCH YOU, I'LL PUNCH THE LIVING CR*P OUT OF YOU!!!!!" "Then you'll have to catch me first!" I said with a mocking tone then after almost an hour of fighting my mom stopped it and screamed "JEFFREY AND LIU WOODS WHY IN THE WORLD WERE YOU TWO FIGHTING!!!!" "Liu keeps bullying me." Jeff said "And why."Mom replied "He keeps saying th-." "HE HAS A CRUSH ON{Y/N}" I interrupted Jeff "I DON'T!!!" he screamed "Are you shurrrreeeeee???" I said mockingly "YES!!!!" "Then why were you drooling when she came in the room and when she exit the room, oh and what was that picture then?" I teased, as he screamed. "SHUT UP YOU J*RK!!" "JEFFREY WOODS WE DON'T USE THAT LANGUAGE IN THIS HOUSE!"mom said, and Jeff simply replied with "mpf." WHAT IF {Y/N} HEARD THAT!, AND WHAT WOULD HER PARENTS THINK OF US! Mom shouted at Jeff.

~{Y/N}'s POV~

"and how was your day {Y/N}?" {M/N/N} asked "It was fun Jeff and Liu were very nice." I said with a playful tone "{Y/N} {L/N} YOU KNOW HOW I THINK ABOUT IT, YOU CAN'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND TILL I SAID SO!" dad screamed."Dad I don't like them that way." I replied with a flushing red face "you better." My dad growled at me "come on {Y/D/N} she's only 5 years old, she don't look at boy's that way." My mom said "she better." He said as he walked upstairs.

The years passed the now 12 year old Jeff and {Y/N} and 13 year old Liu became best friends, even though Liu could be annoying as hell and tried to ship you and Jeff. It didn't bother you until he did this "Hey {N/N} do you want to go swimming with us." He asked "Yea sure." "Be quick your boyfriend is waiting for you." Liu teased "shut up Liu my dad is here." I hissed at him "{Y/N} {L/N} A BOYFRIEND?! YOU HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM YOUNG LADY, YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK!!" my dad yelled at me "But {D/N/N} Liu is lying, and he asked me to go swimming with him and his brother." I whined "NO BUTS YOU'RE GROUNDED AND THATS FINAL!"

As you started crying the last thing you screamed was "THANK YOU ALLOT LIU I F*CKING HATE YOU!" "WITH THAT LANGUAGE YOU'RE GROUNDED FOR TWO WEEKS!!" my dad screamed "AND F*CK YOU TO DAD" I yelled at him "YOUNG LADY DO I NEED TO MAKE IT THREE WEEKS!?" he yelled, and with a loud scream you run to your room, and slammed the door, only to be crying there for hours. Later as you looked through the window you saw Jeff shirt less and d*mn he was well toned luckily he didn't saw you, until he turned in your direction and a deep red blush came across his face and you knew he caught you and quickly closed your curtains having a slight nosebleed, and you knew you were very lucky your dad didn't saw you like this, with the sight of his beautiful body still in your mind you took a nap, it was true you had a little crush on Jeff but you were to afraid to tell him and besides your dad would kill you both. Later you woke up to the sound of your parents fighting You are already used to the fact that they fight almost every day but now it was way louder than usual "FOR F*CK SAKES {Y/D/N}, SHE'S OLD ENOUGH, SHE CAN HAVE A BOYFRIEND IF SHE WANTS THAT!!!!!" my mom yelled at my father "THIS IS STILL MY HOUSE AND YOU 'LL LIVE UNDER MY RULES!" my dad roared at her "COME ON DON'T BE FOOLISH, I WAS THE SAME AGE AS HER WHEN I MET YOU!!" my mom yelled "HOW DO YOU KNOW HOW BOYS THINK AT THAT AGE, THE ONLY THING THEY'LL CARE ABOUT IS WHO CAN GET THE MOST GIRLFRIENDS!!" my dad yelled in reply "LIU AND JEFFREY AREND LIKE THAT!!" mom screamed "AND HOW DO YO KNOW?!" {Y/D/N} yelled "THEY PLAYED HERE ENOUGH TIMES TO KNOW THAT!!" {Y/M/N} screamed in reply "AND YOU JUST BLINDLY TRUST ANYONE!!" your dad screamed again "THEY ARE GOOD ENOUGH FOR {Y/N}!!" your mom screamed "I STILL DON'T TRUST THEM SH-" You couldn't take it anymore and covers your ears with the pillow, that night you cried yourself to sleep, hoping the fighting's will stop for once.

The next day your dad had already left for his job and there were only you and your mother left, as she sight "{Y/N} my dear." "Yes mom." You replied taking another bite of your toast "Were moving to another town." Your mom said with a sad voice "BUT I HAVE ALLOT OF FRIENDS HERE I CANT JUST LEAVE JEFF AND LIU HERE WHY?!??!?" you yelled, as you mom simply replied with "I'm leaving your dad because we keep fighting and I want you to grow up strong and happy." "BUT I'M STRONG AND HAPPY NOW!" you yelled while the tears form in the corners of your eye's "{Y/N} you'll make new friends where we're going to move, and we can't cancel it I've already bought the house and were leaving next week when your dad's on business trip, go grab your stuff because once we left we're never coming back." Your mom said "Mom can I spend some time with Jeff and Liu before I go." "That's okay sweety." She said with a soft smile "Thanks {M/N/N}."As I walked to Jeff and Liu's house I felt the tears burn in the corners of my eyes. When I reached the front door Jeff's father Peter opened the door "Come in {Y/N} Jeff and Liu just finished their homework." He said "Thanks Mr. Woods." I said looking at my feet, I walked over to the living room were Jeff and Liu were arm wrestling over the dinner table "Hey guys." And Liu looked up and said "Huh {Y/N} I that you were grounded." And Jeff took the chance and pressed his arm against the table "Ha I win Liu you owe me 5 bucks." As you ask "Why were you guys betting on arm wrestling?" Jeff replied with "We weren't we were betting on if you are grounded or not." "But when I came there she got grounded." Liu said "That's true but I really want to talk to you guys its important." I said "Let's go to our hanging place in the park."And as you guys walked there you felt the tears coming up again.

~Jeff's POV~

As we walked to the park I had the feeling that something was wrong with {Y/N}. And when we reached our hanging place {Y/N} started to cry."{Y/N}, what's wrong?!" I said with a worried tone in my voice "me and my m-mother are moving to another town." {Y/N} said between sobs and with those words said, she started to cry even louder, while Liu was helping her to calm down I just stood there, paralyzed I didn't even got a chance to tell her how I felt for her...

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