:Chapter 20 ~ Source:

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A/N - Just to clear things up,
--- (three dashes) means a time skip.
----- (five dashes) means a PoV switch.
-------- (eight dashes) means both. A time skip can either mean forward or backward. You'll figure it out.

Also, I am so sorry. Lately I've been extremely tired, and depressed, always bottling up my feelings and seeming mad when I'm near my friends. I've gone through a mini stage of depression, but I think I'll be okay now. Although, this chapter kind of reflects that.

Shoutout to: Crimsonredarrow! Who guessed which book I threw open; Eragon. In addition to that, thanks for supporting my story and being an awesome person in general!

R e c a p

He points to the symbol drawn in fresh blood, "Erebus Blood."


You let out a whimper, resisting the excruciating pain from the machine. As the beam of magic overtakes you, something from you is drained.

"Stop resisting, sweetie." Roran says plainly, "it won't do any good."

Once it turns back on, you allow yourself to let out a blood curdling scream. Your shriek echoes in the dark, damp chamber.


"Erebus Blood?" asks Sting. "Is that a dark guild or something?"

"Actually," Rogue answers, "it isn't."

"Then what is it?" Lucy asks.

"They're a band of magic-less wizards." Rogue explains.

"How can they be called wizards if they don't even have magic?" questions Natsu.

The shadow dragon slayer continues, "They do, although it's extremely weak. They steal other wizards' magic. Ever heard of Edriana Estálle?"

They shake their heads.

"Exactly. She was one of the wizards they stole magic from."

Wendy speaks up, "But magic is part of a wizard's life force. If someone steals it, then doesn't it.."

Rogue nods; Wendy lets out a gasp.

"Then if (Y/N)..." Sting's trails off, his eyes widening. "It's because she's both a god slayer and dragon slayer."

"Rogue, pardon me for asking, but.." Erza starts, "..how do you know of this?"

"Yeah, Rogue." Sting agrees. "How do you know this stuff?"

"You can discover lots of things through books and men in pubs." He says bluntly. "End of discussion. Now, let's find (Y/N)."

They turn when the door opens, revealing Mirajane. "Guys, the master wants you. Sting, Rogue, you better go back to Sabertooth.. It's very important." She looks extremely concerned about something...


"That's it for today, darling." says Roran, taking your manacles off.[1] With simple magic restricting binds on your wrists and ankles, your weak, sleep deprived form falls to the floor, limp. It's a miracle you actually stay conscious.

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