The Beginning of a Shitty Day

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A/N: OH GOD THIS IS TERRIBLE! I went back and read this to look at my past self and...oh god I want to punch myself in the face. But I won't change it. It's actually kind of nice to see my 12 year old self write pathetic cliche love stories like this. :3 don't judge on this, because I know each and every single flaw in this. - The now grown up author of this book


Shitty shit. (Yes I just said shitty shit...)

I had the worst dream ever, followed by the worst morning ever. (Note to self: NEVER EAT 10 ORANGES AFTER 10PM!)

Crap i forgot to say my stupid name. (I'll just put on my stupid smile...) I'm Usagi Telesco. And yes, my parents named me Usagi.... Which mean rabbit.... I'm in the most boring middle school ever. There's seriously not enough guys that aren't idiots, and the guys that aren't idiot are UGLY A** NERDS!!! (Forgive my bad language, I fell out of bed this morning and I'm NOT HAPPY!)

OK, so when I was sleeping, I.... Kinda dreamt something i wasn't supposed to... I mean for god sake I'M TOO YOUNG TO DREAM ABOUT MY CLOSE FRIEND TRYING TO F**K ME! I mean he was there, pinning me to the ground and said "...please Usagi.... become one with me...." (WTF WHY AM I BLUSHING!) 

Alright, just for all you people (Yes, even the perverts) I'll just tell you about me close friend, Inu. His name means dog, and man does that describe him well. He's been with every single slutty girl in the entire school. I sure wish i was kidding about that too... Also, he's been trying to get the innocent girls too... Not like he has a chance with most of them.

Tiny secret here, i used to like him. A lot. But when I left a note for Inu, telling him to meet me under that oh so romantic apple tree on that warm spring day, another friend of mine named Kitsune suddenly turned evil and took him from me. Next thing you know, they were going out.

Since my feelings were literally f**ked up by the new hottest couple, I decided to become more distant from him. I didn't want to interfere with their new awesome relationship. I thought I was supposed to be happy when they broke up after those long 8 months. But that was when Inu broke down.

He went from being the nice, loyal guy he always was and turned into a f**king prostitute. Now he's going out with girls, telling the poor souls that they're beautiful and their love will last forever. Then the next day Inu is seen making out with another girl.

So yeah, after hearing exactly what Inu says to all the girls, i wouldn't want him to f**k me... I mean, I don't want AIDS from the guy. Or any other disease he has.... Ew.

But even if he does that, Inu is still my friend. And I still hate Kitsune too. She's treating me like shit now, like I'm nobody. But why should I care? I have better friends then her. Screw her fake boob job. And her amazingly shiny brown hair too.

So now that I'm still in bed, cleaning all the nose blood from my pillow, i need to figure out a way how to avoid Inu at school, because after you've had a dream about a friend trying to rape you, you can't look at him for a while... I guess i'll just tell my friends so they can fix my mind. (Or at least try...)

--------- ♥why does this happen to me?♥--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I got onto the school bus that I hated so much. (The f**king thing had cameras and microphones, meaning you couldn't talk much.) My little Asian friend Buraku waved so I could sit next to her. For some strange reason her parents named her Buraku Howaito Liu, which kinda sounds like Black White Liu if you think about it. (Were they trying to name her panda?)

She automatically put on that really big smile that she had on all the time. "Hey Usagi! Isn't today so wonderful! I'm so happy I could sing! Iro hani hoheto chiri nuru wo hi no izuru kuni zipangu!♫..."

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