Jack Harries: Playlist Live 2013 (OC)

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Snow's Pov

I was the quiet YouTuber in the group, I was with Louis, Jack, Finn, Rebecca, and Darcy

"We're going to the another party!" Louis spoke to his camera, we arrived and there were many strobe lights, I departed away from the group and went to the side lines, I don't really like interacting with people, I kept messing with my lip ring, my dark blue hair getting into my face, I was dragged into the crowd by a mysterious person, then I was taken to a dance cicle over by Louis and the DJs, I was pushed into the middle to dance, since I do know how to dance, I just dance for the hell of it, everybody cheering, I jumped out of the middle, I was jumping around and dancing

"Having fun Snow?" I heard Casper say

"Fuck yeah!" I screamed, my British accent heared clearly, we laughed and continued dancing, we left the party and we met up with Troye

"I fell asleep, so I missed the party." He said, I giggled, we followed Louis to the Jacuzzi, I remember when we were at a panel


I was sitting next to Tyler, fangirls screaming, a few haters screaming at me

"GET THE EMO FAG OFF THE STAGE." I heard a guy scream, I grabbed the mic

"I actually don't feel like it, and I don't appreciate when a fucking troll yells at me for being who I fucking am! I decide what I want to do, you don't, I don't give a shit about who you are, if you start something, I'm gonna finish it, right then and there." I said, everyone cheering and the guys laughing

"YOU FUCKING UGLY TWAT!" I heard a female scream

"Hey hey hey, at least I don't look like a whore like you." I said, flipping her off, she stormed off

"Okay! Twerk off?" I asked, everyone screamed and Tyler went first, I laughed really hard, then Jack and Finn went, then Marcus went, the Casper just said something and sat back down, Louis stayed there sitting, I got up and twerked like no other, Jack smacked my ass, Tyler looked like he was throwing money on me, Louis kept vlogging, Casper was just staring, while Marcus was on the floor laughing, I stopped and laughed

"Okay! I think everyone agrees I won!?" I said, everyone cheered, I fist pumped the air and jumped

"Okay! So the winner is.......Snow Sugg!" Marcus said, rasing my arm, everyone cheered, I sat next to Jack and Finn, Sam got onto the stage and and tackled one of the twins, I giggled, I looked at Jack, we closed our eyes and were are about to lean in until

"Having fun?" Tyler said, Jack and I pulled away quickly, he laughed

~End Of Flashback~

We were in the Jacuzzi, Jack and Finn threw Rebecca into the Jacuzzi with us, I was laughing, Jack went over to me and sat down, he took my hand and we secretly held hands underwater

"Let's go into the pool." Jack whispered in my ear, I shook my head, He stood up and dragged me to the pool, he jumped in taking me with him, I screamed, everyone was laughing at me, I began to sink, Jack pulled me back up and held me, I was blushing from him and from embarrassment

"Oh c'mon guys! She's embarrassed!" He said, everyone awwed, then security came and shut it down, we went back to the room with the group and we had a YouTuber party and Louis flilled the tub and a lot of people got in, including Trevor, I was pulled in too, Jack was cuddling me, I blushed at his actions, I mean, he's my crush, but this is unusual for him to do that, does he like me?

-Skippy Skip-

We were shut down again, so we went to our rooms, I was about to go to my room with my siblings Joe and Zoey, but I was stopped by Jack, I looked at him and he pinned me to the wall and kissed me, it took me a minute to register, then I kissed back, I tangled my hands in his hair, his left hand was on my waist, and the right was on my ass, we kept going, I heard cameras going off

"Snow!" I heard Joe yell, Jack kept us together, Joe pulled us apart, Joe took my hand and pulled me into the room with Zoe, he let go of my hand

"What the hell was that?" He asked, I smirked

"Jack and I making out, why?" I asked, Zoe went by my side

"Joe, she found someone! Be happy!" She said, I looked at her

"Thank you Zoe." I said, she nodded, Joe shook his head and stomped into the bathroom, I giggled and went back out and saw Jack and Finn arguing

"Jack? Finn? Is everything alright?" I asked, they looked at me, they smilled and nodded, Jack took his phone out and looked like he was texting someone, my phone buzzed, I took it out and saw a message, I looked at Jack with a raised eyebrow, I looked at the message

Jack 💜💜💜: Meet me at the pool when everyone is sleeping

I giggled

Snow ✌😛: K 😘💜

We put our phones up and I walked up to him and kissed his cheek, I waved goodbye and went back to the room, I layed down, pretending to sleep

"Joe don't start, she's trying to sleep!" Zoe said

"No! Zoe she has to know that she can't be with him!" Joe screamed, I sat up, I walked over to Joe

"Joseph Sugg! I will be with who I wanna be! You can't fucking stop me!" I screamed, I slapped him and ran out, I ran to the pool, when I arrived, Jack wasn't there yet, I took my phone out

Snow✌😛: Jack! Get to the pool now! I yelled at Joe and slapped him! I need someone!

Jack 💜💜💜: Okay! I'm on my way!

I put my phone up, I took my shoes and socks off and dipped my feet in the pool, I sat there, crying, know that Joe doesn't care about how I feel, he just wants to make me upset, I felt two arms wrap around me

"Snow, it's alright." Jack whispered in my ear, I snugged my head in his chest, I hear two sets of footsteps running towards us, I felt Jack look up, I look up and see Finn and Joe, Jack lets go of me, I glare my red puffy eyes at Joe, his expression softens

"I'm sorry Snow, I'm such a dick brother." He says, I just close my eyes and fall into the pool, I sink at my own will, I hear screams and someone else jumps in a pulls me up, my head lays low, I don't say anything as I'm in an embrace of someone

"Snow, I won't let you, not on my watch, the stress of everything on your shoulders is bringing you down, I won't let it, I'm sorry for what I've said to you earlier, I approve of your relationship with Jack." Joe says, I turn my body around and hug him

"Thank you Joe." I said, he nods and lets me go, I get out of the pool and hug Jack immediately, he hugs back and buries his face in my neck and lightly kiss it

"Snow, I love you and I want you to be mine, will you?" He asks, before I answer he bites down on the flesh of my neck, making me squeal a little, he chuckles and looks back up at me

"So?" He asks, I nod and he picks me up and kisses me, I kiss back, he pulls apart after a few seconds, he rests his forehead on mine as we smiled at each other

"Wanna take this somewhere private?" He whispers in my ear, I nodded and he put me down and we ran to his room while Finn was still at the pool

I think that was the best time of my life, that night was something to remember

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