secrets are hard to keep

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  • Dedicated to Ashley Correa

********************************** ugh i havent posted another chapter yet so here you go anyone thats reading ;)*****************************************

****************************************************** listen to the song with you read this  ;D ... i you want*********************************************


                        zoey's pov!

    I wake up to the sound of my parents screaming at each other, i pull my covers over my head then quickly throw them off still groggy I walk over and open my door and stick my head out "SHUT THE HELL UP" I scream at them and quickly lock my door knowing what would happen next.

I quickly run back over to my bed knowing what was going to happen next. Soon i hear my parents walking up the hall coming towards my room, i freeze,I hear them mumbling to each other , soon after they start to bang on my bed room door "OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW! OR THERE WILL BE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES IF YOU DONT!" they yell. I put my covers over my head "there's worse than want they normaly do" i thought to myself

They stop finally, i get up alittle shaky and scared i grab my clothes and i un locked my door, open my door alittle and peek out, i didnt see anyone so i opened my alittle more and slipped out......

As soon as i step out i feel a cold hard hand hit me on the back of the head, i stumble forward holding the back of my head, i turn around and see my dad and my mom next to him with her hands on her hips smirking all crazy like as if she was a pychopath ... well i guess she was in my eyes she was

i quickly stand up strait and turns around my back against the cold iron railing, my dad starts to get  closer, my moms snickering in the back ground. i cover my head and sink to the ground. ready to embrace a hit to the stomach for even the face i shook like crazy in fear.

I see an opening i sneak through and run into the bathroom and lock the door pressing my back against the door. My heart is racing. My mind is scrabbled , i shut the toilet seat and sit down trying to get my thoughts together. i hold back tears of fear i cant believe im not used to this yet ever since ive got this step brother things have been like this it's stupid as hell i think so at least.

my mom and dad continue to bang on the bathroom door, i do my best as i take a shower and get dressed, its when i started to do my make up when it started to bother me because they started to say some really nasty things to me like "ZOEY YOU WORTHLESS BITCH OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW OR IMMA GO GET YOU GOD DAMN STEP BROTHER" they yell at me i flinch at the sound you may ask why am i scared of my step brother because well i might say later but lets just say im very scared i hate my step brother with a burning passion ... but thats another story i'll tell you that later.

i always keep my back pack in the bathroom so once i get done getting dressed i can sneak out the bath room window. i got done with my make up and did my hair. i grabbed my back pack as soon as i heard my step brother opening the door i was out of there, ok you may be asking 'what about her shoes' i keep most of my shoes in the dog house (which i have no idea why we still have it our dog died 3 years ago) and while im running away, to the ally i grab my shoes... from the dog house.

goes to the ally to see  mina there already "HEY"I yell to her she turns around and sees me and waves. i caught up to her and she has a mustashe on her face "what the" i poke it  "nice huh? now i get to says to fangs i told you so"i laughed and started to walk towards the end of the ally where we met fangs

Fangs waits for us at the end of the ally. me and Mina start to have a race to the end, Mina falls "god damn it! " she yells i laugh as i get to fangs, Mina gets yupp and walks the rest of the way "the only reason you won was because your alot taller" i laughed knowing it was probably true Mina was the shortest out of all of us. i laugh, i was the second tallest im 5'7 .

We all walked to school together, Mina and fangs never knew about what went on at my house and i hope they never find out, i know it's not right to keep something like this from my own friends but its just better for them not to know. I mean it's really hard to keep it a secret especially when i get bruises on me i have to lie to them and its kind of hard to do that to them. i hate lieing to them but i have to i want them to live there normal lives and nnot  have to worry about me i dont like sympathy.

fangs and Mina walk in front of me honestly i feel like a third wheel but as long as im with my friends im ok with it i keep a smile even if i am being ignored, i normally dont talk much but i can ... sometimes. i stay behind them as usual hehe i will say mina is the one to get most of the guys even though she doesn't notice she maybe short and may not be the thinnest but she not fat shes average she has a nice face. Me on the other hand have the body but not so great face but Mina tells me i look sooooo pretty but i dont know i dont have many guys come up to me and ask me for my number like she does. but i guess i'll go along with wat ever she says,

I hear her and fangs talking about her mustache i laugh they turn and smile at me "so how was your morning"fangs ask me i have a quick flash back of being hit by my dad then i snap out of it "it was good thanks for asking"i smile at him and continue to walk. we get to school i walk through the entry doors first and fangs and mina shows up as soon we hear a blood screeching scream come from the science room and a whole bunch of teachers running around. i looked around trying to figure out whats going on.

********************************************************** hope you guys like the new chapter ^^ it's a little diffrent and alittle sad ... well i think*************************************

*******************************************************************thank you guys for reading too love you guys  :DDDDDDDD hope everyone like the new chapter *******************************************************

************************************************** haha ps the song i just was listen to the song while i wrote this so yeah ^^*******************************************

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