new kid... ugh!

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  • Dedicated to James Sanders

minas pov

********************** new chapter yay things just came to me xD***************************************** hope you guys like it*************************

Math class ends

Me and zoey Skip out singing "TIPTOE THROUGH THE WINDOW BY THE WINDOW THAT IS WERE I'LL BE COME TIPTOE THROUGH THE TULIPS WITH ME" we sang as we went to go meet fangs

fangs meets up down the hall i start waving like crazy towards him freaking out for no aparent reason ... im alittle hyper active

we skip to him me smiling

i start to run and end up tackling him laughed 

"HI FANGS!"I squeal in his ear and did a high pitched giggled ... i dont know what was wrong with me today ... i think i needed some crazy pills

"please get off me" he says i jump up fast and stand up strait and put a strait face on staring forward waiting for him to stand up

i looked down then decided to help him laughing now

"sorry about that you know how i am" i laugh yeah ..... im a bit of a phycopath 

"hold on i have to do something really quick" i runs to my locker having a huge smirk on my face excited for what im about to do

fangs and zoey raises and eyebrow at each other thinking great what trouble is she ganna get herself into now

i quickly grab my ukulele and put on roller blades and start playing and singing random shiz nugget songs

i roll past zoey and fangs singing " ohhhhh yeahh you gotta love the fire!!! the random fire out burst and the water and best friends and the little blue people in the forbidden forest"i sang around getting louder and louder each time

zoey and fangs laugh and stare as i roller blade around

the Principal started to chase me i just laugh and change the song singing about mr smith or Principal

i just sang louder and played louder i sang as he chased me "da da da na da na da batman! and mr.weanie will never caught me!!!!" i sing as he chases me laughing playing and singing as loud as i posibly could

i quickly run into a closet and change and step out Mr,smith (the principal) grabs my arm "mina come with me strait to my office" he yells at me

"what are you talking about i didnt do anything"i say as we enter his office me with my awesome acting skills i put on my innecent and confused look

"again mina how many time do we have to do this please answer me why were you roller skating up and down the halls playing a ukulele and singing"he asked me rubbing his head

"well as you can see Mr. smith well... dont tell anyone" i leaned in closer and whispered to him "well i have a twin sister that likes to get me in trouble now shhhhhh dont tell anyone or she'll come for you in your sleep"she says sitting back

"so mina if you have a twin why did you come out of the closet she went in "he asked not believing a thing

"well you see right before all this she locked me in that closet and i had pasted out in there" i said slamming my hands on his desk raising my voice like as if the was the climax of a story

"ugh fine i'll be calling your mom and im ganna let you go this time but this WILL be the last" he said rubbing his head very irratated

i skipped out of the office slamming the door behind me, Mr.smith flinched at the loud noise, i snicker as i walk out

i saw zoey and fangs wait for me i waved at them dramticly

they shook there head "so what did you get this time" they both said still shaking there head grinning

"he let me go im not in trouble ... this time" i laughed knowing ill never get in trouble with him im too much of his favorite student

they looked at me like really? and shrugged

i smiled at them and started to walk off to science i had that class alone unfortanetly 

everyone made fun of the science teacher named ... Mr.Eckles because he was big but not like fat fat just big

hes pretty cool though  ... sometimes other times he really boreding

i walk in and sit in that back as usual and doodle on my science homework not even listening to a word he's saying

when all of a sudden a magic unicorn comes in and says "mina join me in a wounder full adventure fill with hot vampires" well ... i wish that happend but instead a new guy walked in and i guess he looked like a vampire but not like i'd fall for a guy like that

Mr.Eckles called him up "boy what might you name be" he asked the new student crossing his arms staring at him... sometime i think he had a staring problem

the boy stud up "well.. im... mark" the boy said nervously as he sat down staring down at his table staying quite

"great a new shy guy i mean he not bad looking but shy guys irritate me" i mubled to my self luckily he sits in the front for now and not near me i'd have a heart attack if he did 

the new guy was just looking around the room ... as you may not know i like stalking people so i stared at him the whole class ... it sounds weird but he was pretty boreding to stalk he was that active and just sat there staring at the desk or at people

at one point he turned around a looked at me and i just glared at him i think he might be scared of my now i hope he was ..... cause he should be, i grin

as we left class the new kid stopped me "what was up with all the glaring and staring at me "he asked confused

"ohh nothing "i said and rolled my eyes and started to walk away

he grabbed my arm pulling me close to him "tell me please a girl as pretty as you really shouldnt lie"he said smirking knowing what he wanted

i couldnt say a thing i was in too much shock that he the new nervous shy kid just did this "um...well...umm..hmmm"i couldnt spit out any words im not good in this type of  situations

he started to move closer to me, i paniced and just kind of froze

i was frozen i couldnt move all i could feel and hear with my heart beating in my ears i panicked

************************well i hope you guys like this chapter worked hard on it haha comment and vote please!!!!!*******************************************

**************************************************************************************** love everyone who does and the first person to comment on this chapter i'll dedicate the next chapter to you ^_^ alright love you all will put the next chapter up soon ********************************************************************

************************************************************ p.s. i'll be uploading the next chapter when i get 100 reads :D***********************************************

**************************** p.s.s the girls on the side are the girls that play as mina and zoey just to give u an idea of what they look like**************************************************

Theres a vampire and me in a room... imma little scaredWhere stories live. Discover now