1. Meeting Clary Frey

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Theya POV:

It was like any other day, any other kill. Isobel would distract them with her effortless beauty while me and Alec would hold him down. Then Jace would do his thing and kill it. That's after he finds out the relevant information.

"Are you ready? We need to head out before the club hits its peek." Isabelle said as she came into my room.

"Hey Izzy, I am not the one who takes forever to get ready!" I defended myself, while giving her a little dig.

"Yeah but your the one who annoys me most!" Jace digged at me as he came into the room. "Now shut up and get ready!" He said, throwing my leather jacket at me which was on the chair by the door way he was lurking in.

"I happen to like Theya!" Alec defended me as he also entered my room.

I looked around, all three of them where in here. "Hey Jace?" I asked for his attention.


"How many rooms are there in this place?" I asked.

"About 200 why?" He asked me.

"Then explain to me why all three shadow hunters are in my room?" I laughed.

"Noted." Alec shrugged as he guided Izzy and Jace out of my room.

I then grabbed my jacket which was thrown at me and followed them out.


We entered the club and everything went to plan. I was up in the scaffolding above with Alec while Izzy attracted the demon toward her. The plan was working perfectly, like normal.  We'd  of thought it was too easy if we hadn't of done it a hundred times before.

"Are you ready?" Alec asked.

"I was born ready!" I smiled.

We watched as the demon got closer to Izzy and then finally got her in the light, seeing the marks on her body. He realised what she was but it was too late, her whip had entangled him and now it was time for me and Alec. We jumped down in unison and held each arm of the demon.

Jace emerged from the shadows and then sliced the monsters throat.

"Arghhhh!" We heard an ear piercing scream. It was shocking. She seen us!

Before any of us had chance to do anything she took off. Jace was infatuated.

Mortal Instruments , City of Bones  Another Shadow Hunters StoryWhere stories live. Discover now