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Samui naka, odaiji ni shitemasuka?? (寒い中、お大事にしてますか??-さむいなか、おだいじにしてますか??-In the middle of the cold, are you caring yourself??)

It's me coming back at you to start one more lesson of Japanese and stuff!

So, today, I'll be showing you some shomoji (also "komoji"), the one that I showed you in this word in the latest chapter: "スウィートポテト" (すうぃーとぽてと - sweet-potato)

Do you remember?? No??
Don't worry, I knew you wouldn't remember that hahhaha (no offense, seriously)

See the cattail I brought to you above of the title and you'll see the possible combination involving shomoji ;)

In shomoji's letters, there're:
ぁ • ぃ • ぅ • ぇ • ぉ • ゃ • ょ • ゅ • っ
(You can notice above that the letters are smaller than usual)

Shomoji means "lower case letter" and is used to do a sound as wi, we, kyo, kya....

Like, when you say フォーク(ふぉーく••• fork), you'll need to use the shomoji (low case letter) to help you to show that you wanted to spell the "fo". (Got it????)

料理 ー りょうり ー ryouri means "cook" and in this word you have to use the low letter of "よ" to spell the "ryo"
キック - きっく - kick means the same in English. We use the low letter of "つ" so we can spell kick. You figured out there's like something as a hop when you spell "kick"?? Well, to do THAT hopping, we use "っ" as a key. Lol

Shomoji is very important to form a word. It's the key to create a work, to be exact. Lol
Also "sho" is made by omoji (大文字おおもじ) with shomoji.

"Wait, what is omoji??"

Omoji is when the letter's size is huge (omoji's "O" means big, huge), when the letter's size is normal.
Shomoji is low case, so he's different from the "omoji". Shomoji is used in some special cases.

I don't know if you got it because shomoji is complicated, I know. But you can comment if have some doubt because I'll explain you right

So, that's it, sweeties!
Thanks for reading and please share with someone who likes Japan, who'd like to learn Japanese, comment, vote on it, add in reading list...that'll be my reward!!lol

See you on next Tuesday and have a great week ♡ xx

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