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"Ah, fuck it."

Simin sighed heavily as he laid back, moving both arms behind his head, resting upon the grassy bank of the river, after brushing his jet black hair out of his eyes and stared uptowards the night sky. His big, bright, blue eyes slowly moved from left to right scanning above him. He glanced at each star for a few seconds before moving on to the next. The street lights of the City dimmed the stars above, limiting Simin's choice in which star to gaze upon. Oh how he long to see a proper night sky. One out beyond the city, somewhere in the country, see places, get to know people, and forfil his goal in life.

Staring at the night's sky for so long, Simin's eyes began to grow heavy, and he slowly began to drift away without a care in the world. It was warm out, so he no reason to be worried about freezing at night. As he was about to peacefully drift off, a sudden sharp, annoying buzzing noise awoke him, aswell as the virbrations on his leg. Sighing heavily again, this time tutting before he sighed, Simin lifted his head slightly, removing his right hand and began to slide it towards his pocket.

Just before he reached into his pocket, Simin's hand hesitatsed. He could just choose to ignore the sound and vibration and pretend he was sleeping. He began to play different senarios in his head, attempting to figure out the best way of avoiding the situation and getting away with it. However realising the responibility he had, he moved his hans into his right jean pocket, and pulled out his moblie. Flicking it opem with his right thumb, he brought the screen closer to his face and began reading the message he had received in his head. Sighing for a second after reading the message, Simin flicked the screen back down, and replaced his phone back into his pocket.

"It's time!" he thought to himself, before allowing a smile to stretch upon his face. Leaning towards his left he reached out with his right grabbing the metal baseball bat that was beside him. Using it as surport he slowly stood up, groaning like an old man as he did so. Turning a full 180 degress he began to walk, keeping his head down and not talking to anyone. But that didn't matter anyway. Passers by began to avoid him as moved the bat's handle towards his mouth, kissing the purple bandana tied around the base almost as if kissing the bandana was a good luck charm. An evil aura began to grow around him as he walked closer and closer towards his destination.

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