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A.N: Italic font means flashback. Bold font is normally an A.N.


As Simin held the bat above his head ready to deliver the final blow. He used his foot to roll the female on to her back and stared directly into her eyes. A vicious look splashed across his face. He waited for her reaction to her impending death. This was one of the parts he loved. He relished in the fact that he was able to witness the pointless existence that was a human life. Simin continued to wait for a reaction from the female. Being able to watch a person reveal who they truly are in their last moments was a privilege for him. As he watched the female's facial expression he noticed that a smirk grow on her face. Simin blinked a couple of times. A confused look upon his face as he started blankly into the eyes of the female beneath him. He wasn't expecting that reaction at all. Normally people would beg for their lives or tried to barter or sell someone else out. But the fact that he was taken by surprise began to extremely piss him off.  His fingers flexed around the handle of the bat as he began to move the bat downwards slightly before freezing as he heard his best friend speak to him.

"Sim...Dude...What are you doing? It's over. We won! I got my revenge! They won't be bothering us again."

Simin dragged his gaze toward Link. He noticed Link's confused and shocked expression and frowned before replying back to him.

"What am i doing? Well, I'm breathing. I'm also looking at you. Now I'm thinking about having a piss. Oh! I'm kinda hungry too and I'm about to end the Red Devils' leader. Why?" Simin replied in a curious and genuine tone. There wasn't a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Simin quickly moved his gaze towards the Shaz and the twins as he spoke. All three were wearing the same expression as Link. Simin then noticed the deafening silence around the construction site after he had finished speaking. He moved his gaze around, examining his surroundings. All gazes were locked on him, and they all had the same confused and shocked expression. Nobody expected or wanted anyone to die here. This was just a revenge/area control fight. Link had gotten his revenge from when he was attacked. And the control over the City's High School's was now Simin's.

"Man just leave it. There's no to kill her." Link replied with a concerned tone. Simin noticed him throwing sympathetic glances towards the female on the floor.

"This bitch tried to stab me, and you're telling me to leave it?" Simin growled at Link shutting him up instantly and caused him to shuffle around nervously. Simin moved his gaze towards the female and stared at her with the same vicious and malice filled look ad before. He then noticed the knife she pulled out on him and tried to stab him with by his right foot. A sinister grin spread over his face as he eyed the knife, coming up with a plan. He continued to grin as he spoke while moving "You know how they say an eye for an eye right? " Simin lowered his arms and placed the bat down on the floor as he leant over to his right before reaching out to the knife with his right hand. Grasping the black handle firmly he moved over the female's body looking bacm at her face. Her expression had changed. Fear was now present in her eyes. The sinister grin on Simin's face grew even wider as his bloodlust began to rise. This was the reaction he longed to see. The fear. The trembling. The crying. It was a rush to him. This was what humans were to him at the end of the day. Pathetic, worthless, pieces of crap. He quickly glanced around the area one last time noticing how everyone around him was silent and standing still unable to stop what was about to happen next.

Simin flexed his fingers around the black handle of the knife before lowering the tip of the blade to the female's stomach and plunged it into her flesh. The sound of the skin ripping as the metal tore into it was music to his ears. He rolled his jaw and cackled as he pushed the blade further in slowly. The ear splitting screams of pain and crying weren't enough to phase him. Infact they just encouraged him more.

As the full length of the blade, about four inches, entered the stomach of the female, Link ran over to Simin grabbing onto his shoulders and pulled him off the female.

"You made your point. Fuck her. Let's go celebrate our win." The desperation and was clear in Link's voice. However Simin chose to ignore it. He shrugged Link off and reached out for his bat with his left hand, totally oblivious to the dying female to his side. He used the bat to push himself off the ground groaning like an old man again and headed towards the exit of the construction site with Link by his side.  Shaz and the twins followed the duo trailed by the rest of the youths wearing purple bandanas and clothing leaving the rest of the gathering; some were staring at the Red Devils leader in silence and utter horror and the rest heading home.

Simin looked up to the sky as he walked down the streets. His eyes fixated on the stars. He carelessly swung the bat back and forth by his side. He whistled a tune to himself clearly having already forgot about the events that just took place. Link was mumbling to Simin about getting extremely drunk to celebrate and he might have something special for them both. The group behind them were chatting amongst themselves about what had happened and what they planned to do now. Simin wasn't really paying attention to anyone as he walked.

The whole group continued to walk down alleys and side streets before walking to an underpass of a bridge. They walked further into the tunnel before stopping at a metal door located on the wall. On the door was a large grafftited black skull with wings coming out of the side of it's head with a purple crown on top. Under the skull the letters 'TKO' were sprayed onto the wall. Simin extended his free hand to the door handle and pushed down on it opening the door. He then stepped through the doorway and was hit the sound of loud electronic music. He glanced around the interior and grinned to himself.

"Good to be home..."


A.N: Sorry for the really long wait for the update to the maybe 3 people who read this. :P I appreciate it. I'm back though. Maybe an update twice a week. This was a short chapter. They should be getting longer...hopefully. :3 Till next time!


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