At your daughters school...

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Luke walks into the classroom of your daughter to pick her up. Luke frowns when he sees that your daughter brought her cat to school. The teacher greets Luke, " Mr Hemmings, do you know why she brought her cat to school ?" " I'm sorry, I have no idea" he says turning a light shade of red. Then the teacher kneels in front of your daughter, "Y/D/N (your daughters name) would you like to tell me, why you brought your cat with you today?" The teacher asks her. Y/D/N starts crying and says " because I-I heard how my daddy told my mommy that he's going to eat-eat that pussy when I leave to school and I just wanted to save him." Luke stares at your daughter and turns red like a tomato , the teacher looks at Luke then walks away disgusted. Luke grabs your daughters hand and starts walking home.


Omg guys I can just imagine his face haha *laughs really hard*
I love Lucas
He's great xx

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