Chapter 11

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July 21, 2013

Harry's POV********

"Get up! Get up! Get up!" You could hear Nat all the way down in the common room. "Oh for Merlin's sake!" She groaned, stomping down the stairs. "Mione, keep the door open, I'm getting Harry!"

"Oh great!" I groaned, checking to make sure no prefects were around. I wonder why Gracie won't get up.

"Oi! Potter! Come on! She won't get up! Neither will Ginny, but I bet if Gracie gets up Ginny will!" I didn't have time to respond. The minute I stood up she got me. "Wingardium Leviosa!"

I floated up the stairs and into the girls dorm. I wonder if any other guys do this? I doubt it. When I got inside, I saw Gracie laying in the floor, a make shift bed under her. Ginny was curled up beside her, books lay all over the floor. I smiled at her, leaning against the door frame. I say let her sleep. It's only ten anyway. Plus it's a weekend.

"What time did she go to bed?" Mione hissed, shoving on her and Ginny both. Ginny finally groaned, swatting at Hermione.

"She went to bed around three thirty! I lasted till almost three and then woke up when she pushed me into this little bed thing. She made sure I was comfortable, then the moment she lay down she was out like a light! Now leave us alone!" She growled, burying her face in the pillow.

I shrugged, crossing the room to lay beside Gracie. I folded my hands behind my head, crossing my ankles and laying beside her on the quilts. "I'm comfortable!" I sighed, smiling at Nat and Mione.

"I can't believe she did it again! No wonder she won't wake up! That's two nights in a row she's stayed up till two or three in the morning. How many hours of sleep is that? Eleven total? For like three days? Not good!" Nat sighed, sitting on her bed cross legged. I shrugged, not really listening. I'm kind of comfortable, and tired.

I felt myself drifting off to sleep as well.


"Harry!" Ginny yelled, shaking me. I shot up, staring at her. "Get out now! Professor McGonagall has been looking for you! She's coming up here in ten minutes!"

I jumped up, running towards the door. "Thanks Ginny!" I slid down the slide, watching it turn back as I got off. I ran to the couch in the common room, taking a seat beside Ron. "I've been here the whole time!"

"Okay?" He asked, giving me a weird look. McGonagall walked in a minute later, heading straight for the stairs.

"Ms. Black! Wake up!" She huffed.

"Huh? Oh! Hi Professor! Is something wrong?" I listened to Gracie's voice go from groggy to chipper in seconds.

"What time is it? I whispered, turning to Ron.

"Noon. Ready for lunch?"

"Yeah. Wait for the girls!" He nodded going back to listen to Professor McGonagall.

"Yes. Where is Potter?"

"Uhm, I don't know Professor. I must have over slept, I'm sorry! He isn't in his dorm? Or the common room?"

"I haven't checked there yet. I was told to check here!"

"Here?" I laughed at the confusion in her voice. She had no idea I was even up there. "Sorry Miss, I've been asleep. I don't think he was up here. He usually hangs out with Ron. Maybe they're in the common room?"

"Maybe. Sorry to disturb you. Are you alright? You aren't sick are you?"

"Oh no. Thank you though! I was just a bit tired, that's all!"

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now