Chapter 13

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I groaned, sitting up in bed. "Am I seriously in the hospital wing again?" I groaned, shaking my head. It hurt. A lot. I winced, placing a hand on my head. "Well isn't this brilliant? Where is everybody?" I asked, looking around to see no one. Pomfrey walked in, chuckling to herself.

"They're all here. Somewhere. I think your mother is making them all eat. You've done it again Gracie! Be proud! No normal person could have survive that!" She winked, handing me a potion. I drank it quickly, then she left, leaving me by myself. Until Dumbledore came in, looking sad.

"Hello Professor!" I smiled, patting the bed beside me. He took a seat, but the normal twinkle in his eyes were gone. "What's wrong Sir?"

"I owe you an apology Ms. Black. I've been avoiding you as I have Harry. Harry an I have had our talk, now it's our turn. You must have questions?" He sighed, motioning for me to go on. But he was being so vague, and I'm sorry, but I hit my head. So I have no clue what he's talking about.

"What do you mean avoiding us? And yes, I do have questions. That's my first, number two, where's Harry? Is he okay?" I asked, beginning to panic. I looked around, checking the nearby beds. The headmaster gave me a small smile, patting my hand.

"Have you not noticed my behavior? Not responding nor looking at you or Harry? You see, I thought it would make it harder for Tom to invade your minds if he wasn't constantly seeing me, fueling the fire. However, I was wrong. Very wrong. As to your second question, he is fine. He and the others will be back soon. Surely dear, you must have more questions than that?"

"Well duh! No intention to be rude or anything. But of course I do! Like, what was in that prophecy? How am I part of this? Do I play a minor, or major role in it all? Is Harry going to be okay? What's happened since I've been out? How long have I been out? Is everyone okay? Has Nat been here? Sir, what's going on?" I rambled off the questions, not taking a breath until the end. I need to know all of this. This prophecy is going to let me know whether Harry lives or dies, whether I live or die, what I have to do with this. Not that I wouldn't want to be a part of it. Harry and I are in this together. Most couples fight a lot over years, but Harry an I, not one fight. Ever. I love him with all my heart, and when I saw Voldemort possess him, I was mortified. But he's strong. He fought through it.

Dumbledore's chuckle brought me back to the present. "Yes, I do believe Ms. Black is here, in the hall with the Weasley twins actually. Harry is fine, just worried about you, we all were. You have been 'out' for a week, and nothing has really happened. Professor Umbridge has been removed from her position, as has Cornelius. I have been reinstated as head master. And lastly, I informed Harry about the prophecy. You've actually heard it multiple times. I walk in on him discussing it with you often. Now, on to those questions." He sighed, looking at me sadly. "I will not go into a full description, I will only tell you your part, and how this is going to end. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" I nodded quickly, eager to hear the answers I need and want.

"To put it bluntly, only one can live. That, is undecided. Now you my dear, are Harry's strength. You will be the one to help him through this battle. Harry and Voldemort both chose you. The prophecy only mentioned a girl. For all we know, it could have been Ms. Granger. But this, you must understand, means you have the power to help Harry finish all of this. You and you alone. Harry has no chance, with out you. I understand this is a lot to take in. Feel free to vent as you please!"

I scoffed. "Vent? I don't need to vent. I'll always be there for Harry, no matter what. This only makes me want to work harder. I'm glad Harry picked me. Whether it be consciously or unconsciously. I need him. I love him with all my heart." I smiled, going into my own dreamy little world. Dumbledore nodded, smiling.

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now