Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight
Bella's POV

I wake up to the light shinning through the window. It's been a month since the battle and me, Jake, and Paul have grown a lot closer.

I'm currently in Winter break and can't wait till Christmas. I bought Paul a lot clothes since he ruins all of his when he phases and Jake some new tools to fix his cars. I wrapped them and have them under the tree in the living room. I also bought small presents for the rest of the pack because they're family.

I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and take a shower. I walk back into my room with my towel wrapped around my body and go into my closet. I put on my underwear and bra then put on a black skirt, a red tank top with a see through black blouse and my red converse. I walk downstairs and see Charlie drinking some coffee and eating a bagel.

"Good morning Bells." He say finishing his bagel.

"Morning dad. Are you off today?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He says grabbing the newspaper and starting to read it.

I get a bowl of cereal and sit at the table eating. When I'm done I clean out the bowl and decide to take a walk outside. I walk out the door after grabbing my phone from upstairs and start my walk.

I walk through the forest looking at the scenery. When I think I'm far enough to out I sit on a piece of drift wood and think.

All of a sudden I hear snaps of fallen branches so I look around. I don't see anything but I think that was my cue to leave. I get up and start walking back towards my house. When I'm half way back I hear another snap. I turn and see a brown kind of russet color wolf that I know as Jacob.

I walk towards him and runs my fingers through his fur. He make a purring sound then walks behind a tree. After a minute he comes out from behind the tree with jean shorts on.

"What are you doing out here?" He asks.

"I went on a walk through the forest." I says.

"It's dangerous out here." He says.

"The vampires are gone."

"It's still dangerous. A werewolf could come catch you." He says laughing and grabbing me at the end.

I laugh as he hugs me tight and kisses my cheek.

"Very funny Jake." I say.

We walk to my house and when we get it the door I ask him,

"What were you doing in the woods."

"Patrol." He says.

"Oh. So you finished?" I ask him.

"Just about." He says.

"Oh. Do you want to come in?" I asks him.


We walk in and go into the living room. We sit and watch to tv for a while until a howl is heard.

"I'll tell you what happened later." He says running out the door.

What the heck could have happened? I think

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