{ 5 } apple turnover
Oscar, Host 1: Coming up next is an interview with the owner of the new shop, Sugar Rush, in our very own New York, right after the commercial break!
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Amber, Host 2: And we're back! Please welcome our guest, owner of sweet success Sugar Rush, Luis Hernandez!
// the crowd applauds as Mr. Hernandez walks onto the stage. He hugs the two hosts and sits on his designated chair.
Oscar, Host 1: Luis! Welcome! It's a pleasure to have you on the show!
Luis: It's a pleasure to be here.
Amber, Host 2: So, I've heard that you haven't lived in New York for most of your life and that you were actually born in Nevada?
Luis: Yep, that's true.
Oscar, Host 1: That's quite the switch! Warm, sunny weather for the sludge New York appears to be covered in during the winter.
// the crowd laughs
Luis: I actually enjoy the cold sometimes. Even if the snow looks quite unappealing. But, yes, I was born in Nevada, where I lived up until I was 18 when I then got accepted into The Culinary Institute of America–
// the crowd cheers loudly
Luis: where I studied techniques and honed my baking skills. I decided to open a bakery shop and haven't looked back.
// the crowd cheers loudly
Amber, Host 1: That's quite impressive, Luis! And, you just received the number one slot in New York's New and Noteworthy Businesses so congratulations!
// the crowd cheers loudly
Amber, Host 1: The magazine editor claims "the decor of the shop is an inducing feature that goes hand in hand with the delicious treats sold"
Luis: The decor was inspired by Willy Wonka and some Harry Potter. Who doesn't love Harry Potter? Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory really resonated with me as a child. Though it would be appropriate to say that the message of honesty was what I kept with me, let's be honest. As a kid with an immense sweet tooth, all I wanted was my own candy place like that.
// the crowd laughs
Oscar, Host 1: I think ALL kids wanted that! And now, do you have any plans going into the future for Sugar Rush?
Luis: I'm always coming up with new recipes. You just don't know about them until you come into the shop.
Oscar, Host 1: A man of secrets? I like it! Coming up next, Luis shows us how to make one of his favorite recipes, Apple Turnovers!
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Sugar Rush || Completed
Short Story16 pounds of flour + 7 burned pastries + 1 business rival = 24 hour sugar rush { extended summary inside }