Phone Calls.

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I woke up to Niall's arm around me. The events of yesterday flooding my mind. I had seen one side of Niall that I really didn't want to see again.

Niall stirred, and I knew he was awake.

"Good Morning Rose." He said.

"Morning, Niall."

"What are you doing today?"

"Well, I'm gonna make a video today. I haven't in a while." I said, getting up.

He nodded.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

I thought for a second. It would be nice to have help. I mean, Sam and Dustin are off doing who knows what. Eh, what harm could it do?

"Um, sure." I said.

He smiled, and got up to get dressed.


When we got to my house, I quickly got my camera, set it up, and hit record.

"Hey guys! Sorry for the wait on a video, but I've been busy. Anyways, we have another guest star today!" I started.

"It's........NIALL HORAN!!!"

Niall made his way over to me, and sat down.

"Okay, since this is indeed an 'AR', ask away, people!" I shouted.

We waited. I checked the question box, and we had TONS more than usual. Niall read off the first one.

"Are you guys a thing?!"

We looked at each other, and back at the camera. We nodded.

I read the next one.

"What so you think about video on Instagram?"

"I think it's nice." I answered. "Niall?"

"I think it's cool. It fun to make videos, but I think they should be longer." He said.

"Me too."

"Next one." He said.

"How is Sustin?"

"Awh! They're absolutely adorable!!! It's so cute!" I gushed.

"Yeah, all I know is that they're dating..." Niall said nervously.

"That's ok Nialler. We love you anyway."

He smiled at me.

He leaned down to kiss me, but I put my finger to his lips, and grinned.

"Next question." I giggled.

He chuckled.

"Okay, how did the-" I was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hold on. Niall, will you continue?" I asked. He nodded.

I got up and walked outside with my phone. It was an unknown number. I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello, Rosalee." A voice said. I knew that voice from anywhere.


"What do you want? Having trouble with those bruises Niall gave you?"

"Nope. They're healing nicely. Now listen. Niall doesn't scare me. I told you I'll get what I want, and I'm going to. Not even Niall can stop me. So watch out, Rose. Things are about to get real. Oh, and tell Niall about this little chat....I'll have him barely breathing in about 2 seconds."

Then, the line went dead.

I stuck my phone back in my pocket and went inside. I couldn't let Niall get hurt. He means so much to me. So I didn't say anything. But I was truly, and utterly, terrified.

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