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"You go to sleep on your own, and you wake each day with your thoughts. And it scares you... being alone. It's a last resort."

-Sleepsong by Bastille


[????'s POV]


And if you asked, I'd say it isn't my fault.

Deep down, I think it is. It truly is. 

My fault that I was put here.

I don't know why, but I know it's my fault.

I often wonder if I am the only one left here. 


My grasp on "existence" is very slim... so I wouldn't know, really. But there's a lot of books down here. And my eye... it can flash, so I can read. Everything I've learned about language comes from books.

And the weird sense that I've already learned all of these things. It's like I was put here, set to remember the basics of life. Language, survival instincts, things like that. But other than those, I really have no clue.

There's a small waterfall that flows down here, in the cavern. It drops all kinds of things. Since I don't need that stuff humans eat, "food," mostly I just take the things that amuse me. I've been here for as long as I can remember.

The books, they speak of "loneliness."

But how am I supposed to know loneliness if I've never met another human?

Or, another monster?

I've never seen myself, only my hands. I am sure I am not human. So, a monster? I don't feel like a monster, really.

Or maybe I don't have the capacity to feel.

But the comic books that fall... the joke books, and such, they're funny. So amusement? I guess I've amusement. Doesn't really count for much. We're all supposed to feel empathy, too. That's how the general rule goes. Not sure if I've ever felt empathy.

Not sure that I'm even describing emotions right.

Hope left a long time ago. I knew that I'd never escape the small cavern and see the things they're talking about in the books. Sometimes I try and levitate myself with the magic in my eye, but I'm never strong enough.

It's uncomfortable here. Often the cavern will overflow, and I'm left sopping wet. The occasional object will hit me out of nowhere. My reflexes are definitely getting better, though. Sometimes I catch them midair 'fore they can hit me.

Too much time to think down here, really. Without thinking, a blue light flashes. The book I'm holding immediately catches on fire. I'm reading something currently called, "Psychology for Beginners." If only I had others in my life to observe them. Like the book is talking about... body language. The look in their eyes.

I can only imagine the feeling people get when they get to observe others.

To be the judge.

It's stupid, really. I'm so quick to anger lately. Grumbling, I watch as the book I was reading slowly burns to a crisp. Of course it's mildly dry here right now. And my fire burns fast, so there's no way I could've made it to the waterfall before it burned up.

And honestly, I'm pretty lazy.

That happens after you spend years just laying around. What point is there, to get up? I can't die. It doesn't matter if I don't take care of myself. Every single day I just drag through, each day a reminder that the next will be worse than the last.

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