23: Little problems can lead elsewhere

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I was sitting in the car. I wasn't talking because I never liked them. Are you ok Alex? Mike asked. I didn't answer. So Im the oldest. I asked. No, you are the 2nd to oldest. Paul is the oldest. But you will love it here. So tell me about yourself. Mike said. Im 16,like to draw, play soccer, and watch Jacksepticeye. I said. Well who is Jacksepticeye? He asked. A youtuber who plays games. Thunk! A loud bang came from the engine. I ran out the door. Where are you boom. A large boom interrupted Paul's sentence. The big loud boom scared me. There was only 1 place to go for safety, my home. I ran to the place, and swung open the door. Dad. I said giving him a hug. What are you doing here?! He said surprised. I just smiled and hugged him

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