Acceptance (Ch.39)

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~Clementine's POV~

I wake up at the usual time. I get dressed into a gray shirt with the words smile in black. I wear jean shorts and black vans.

I wake up Nicole and she gets ready. I brush my teeth and put on the little amount of makeup and put on the ring that Ashton gave me before the whole courthouse ordeal. I put my hair up into a high ponytail.

When Nicole comes downstairs I tell her that I can drive us again to school.

She agrees, I grab my keys and we head out the door.

Today is a "Lazy Day" at school so I didn't even bother to bring my book bag.

I'm at my locker when I feel a familiar pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up.

"Hey." I hear Ashton speak.

"Hey." I reply back. He turns me around still in his arms. I swaddle my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

He kisses me. But different this time. It felt more fierce.

"Woah. What was that?" I laugh.

"What?" He smirks.

"You kissed me differently than you usually do." I smile.

"Well, maybe because I don't appreciate you as much I should." He responds.

"Yes you do. You're always saying that." I smile once again before kissing him.

He grins and let's me down.

"I'll see you in science." He waves.

When I'm sure he's gone I go to find Tristan. I finally find him arguing again with Lyric.

"Why do you like her? I don't understand! All she ever did was cause you pain!" Lyric shouts.

"Wow, okay, that's not true. At least I don't think."

"Lyric." He looks behind him. I move to stay out of sight, but I'm not quick enough.

He can tell I'm here. He turns and kisses Lyric.

"Their relationship is confusing. Wow, now I know why Ashlie used to tell me that. There I go again with my hypocrisy."

When Tristan walks out of the room I grab him.

"Um, yeah, hey. I need to talk to you." I utter.

"Oh, hey Clem." He says sarcastically.

"Oh shut up, I know, you saw me. Anywa-"

"Clementine. Again?!" I hear Lyric whine coming up behind Tristan.

"Yup, hey Lyric. Anyway, as I was sa-" I'm interrupted by her again.

"Bye Clementine." Lyric pulls Tristan away before I could talk to him.

"She's like a another Jessica." I think.

The bell rings and I go to class.

During first period every class watched a movie. They gave out free popcorn too. I get popcorn and so does Ashton. We sit in different seats but I place my legs on top of his.

I look around to find everyone rather making out or on their phones.

"Wow." I put my hands back into my popcorn bag.

"What?" Ashton asks.

"Look around." I gesture a circle with my finger.

"Oh." He nods his head.

"Yeah." I snicker.

"Oh well, what are we going to do about?" He playfully says.

"Nothing?" I raise an eyebrow.

He chuckles and kisses me. When he pulls away he focuses back on the movie.

"You are so confusing sometimes." I simper.

"Yeah, I know I am." He makes a smug face and I throw popcorn at him. He laughs and we watch the movie.

~Clementine's POV~

I wake up to a screeching Nicole.

"Oh my. Nicole!" I wake up with a thump when I fall off my bed.

"Ahem, get up you walrus!!" She screams more.

"What is going on?" I retort.

"Open the white envelope on your nightstand dumbbell." She smiles.

The letter was from Stanford. It had said many things I didn't understand. But the words I did understand made me beam with joy.

"You have been accepted. Welcome to Stanford University. We will send a schlorship to your address by tuesday. Congratulations!"

"I.. I made it?" I say with tears filling my eyes.

"I made it!!" I scream in happiness.

"And I made it into Yale!" She screams along with me.

"Oh, I need to go see Ashton!" I say.

I didn't even bother getting dressed. I slip on my black vans and pull my hair back into a high pony tail.

I grab my car keys away drive over to his house. When I get there he answers the door looking groggy and is shirtless.

"Heh, ahem." I blush.

"Oh, yeah, hold on." He runs upstairs to grab a shirt.

When he comes back I wiggle the white envelope in my hands.

"You made it?!"

"I made it!!" My dimples deepen. He picks me up and kisses me.

"Go to your mailbox. I want to see if you made it!" I smile.

When he gets his envelope he looks at me with sad eyes.

"Did.. did you make it?" I ask worried.

He grins and nods his head. I jump up and down from excitement. He hugs me.

"Okay, well I gotta get back. But I'll text you later?"

"Of course." He replies with a smile.

I drive back home. And find Nicole ordering her robe and cap.

"Oh, I should probably do that." I point to the computer.

When I finish ordering for my robe and cap...

"Clem. I have an AMAZING IDEA."

"Okay what it is." I ask her with one eyebrow raised.

"Let's go shopping." She says calmly.

"That's what you exaggerated about?" I laugh.

"Yes, now go get dressed." She says

I didn't even realize that she had been dressed already. I nod and head upstairs.

I wear a white crop top and a red, white, and blue flannel over it. I put on high waisted jean shorts and pair it with ordinary white high top converse. (the ones with the red on them, not the completely white ones.)

I grab my purse and Nicole and I head out the door. We take my car and we listen to the song Pity Party by Melanie Martinez the whole whole way to the mall.

But we weren't singing more like shouting and screaming. We laughed when we got weird looks from other people in different cars.

Okay. Hoped you liked this chapter! If you did vote! Comment for any errors! This chapter was a long one. I'm so sad that this book will be coming to an end in the next chapter. But anyway, bye!


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