Chapter Three

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"Ok, everyone, listen up," Timothy commanded to the detectives on the Jeff Jenson case, the group included Timothy, Phillip, Scott, and Mae, a junior police officer that Scott was training; this was her first case. "We've got word that Tammy Jenson, the wife of Jeff Jenson, has hired a private investigator to help us out, she'll be leading the investigation from here. Let's see.." Timothy continued as he looked at the note he was holding, "her name is—"
"Lisa Thorne." A sharp looking young woman finished as she entered the room. She wore a pantsuit and dark glasses. Her dark brown hair was up in the neatest of buns and she held a pen, water bottle, and notebook.
"Um, hello?" Scott greeted her, confused.
She walked over to the table and sat down next to Scott and Phillip. She took off her glasses and set them on the table in front of her. "I'm Lisa Thorne, nice to meet you, Timothy, Phillip, Scott, and Mae." She pointed to them as she said their names.
"H—how do you know our names? We haven't even told you." Mae asked, terrified.
"Oh, I know a lot more then just your names, I make it a point to know all I can about my team." She pointed to Phillip, "You walk with a limp because you were shot in the ankle last year by an armed kidnapper." She was dead on. Then she pointed to Mae, "This is your first case."
"Yeah, how did you know?" Mae asked curiously.
Lisa replied, "I can tell by the way you brought everything you'll need and more, you look both excited and nervous, and well, you're young."
"That's enough showing off Ms. Thorne—" Timothy began.
"Hold on, Miles. I want to hear what she knows about me." Scott told Timothy.
"Ah yes, Scott Simpson. You've caught more bad guys this week than any other week in your career, you were just about to tell everyone after Timothy over there finished talking."
Scott's mouth practically dropped to the floor, everyone was shocked.
"Ok, let's get started, I'm getting paid a ton of dollars for this so I'd best do my job." Lisa told them. "What have you found already?"
   After Phillip shook the look of total shock off of his face, he replied, "The victim, Jeff Jenson had eleven stab wounds to his back, he had also been slapped several times in the face and punched hard in the arm. The murder definitely wasn't done professionally, but it was done by someone who really hated that man.
"Yeah, yeah I could have figured that out having not even seen the body." Lisa said quickly.
"Show off." Timothy said under his breath.
"What was that, Timothy Miles?" Lisa asked him, certainly knowing what he said but giving him a chance to change it.
"Nothing. Continue." He said quickly.
"Phillip, what else have you found?" Lisa asked.
"Umm, well, umm, that's it." Phillip replied nervously.
   Lisa didn't look pleased, but then she smiled calmly, "That's alright. That's why I'm here: to solve this case. Phillip, go to the morgue and examine Jeff's body. Timothy, you're amazing at interrogation, come with me. Mae and Scott, go interview Tammy Jenson again."
   Without a word, everyone jumped up and obediently did as Lisa had commanded. Phillip was glad he had been assigned to the morgue—not because of the dead bodies, but because he had overheard April say that she was working there today, also.
   "Hey, Phillip, I didn't know you were working here today." April greeted him when he walked in.
   "Yeah, Lisa Thorne, that private investigator, told me to help you with Jeff's body. She's in charge of the case now, so I have to listen to her." He replied as he put on some rubber gloves.
   "Oh, I heard about her, she's like, famous or something. She gets paid a lot of money. What's she like?" April asked in awe.
   "She's... interesting," He explained, "she knew all about my limp and I didn't bring my cane to the meeting. She knew about Timothy, Scott, and Mae. I barely know Mae and I work with her."
   "Yeah, I heard she's very observant. Let's take a look at this body." April said, talking about Jeff, who was lying on a table with a towel over his body. They could only see his face, neck, and arms—luckily. "How about this, you examine the hands and fingernails, I'll examine the knife for fingerprints."
"Sounds fine." Phillip said. He carefully picked up Jeff's hand and examined it. He saw nothing on the left hand, he moved to the right hand, there he saw several bloody scratches on the fingers, also, several long, dark hairs tangled around the fingers. Phillip reached over and grabbed the tweezers and carefully removed the hairs without breaking them, then he put them in an evidence bag.
"I found some hair, dark brown hair." Phillip told April as she swabbed the knife.
"Great!" April said.
Phillip handed her the bag, "How long will it take to analyze it?"
"A while, sometimes six months."
Dang it. Phillip thought. "Wow, that's a long time."
"Yeah," April agreed distractedly, "Say, Phillip, after work, would you want to go get some dinner?" She asked suddenly.
"Definitely, yeah. Sounds good." He answered quickly.
"Great." She smiled and blushed.

"Hey, Scott. I need you to get a sample of Tammy Jenson's hair." Phillip said to Scott on the phone.
"Mae and I have been trying." Scott replied, sounding aggravated.
"She won't give them to you?" Phillip asked.
"Usually the spouse is very cooperative, except..." Phillip began.
   "When?" Scott demanded.
   "Well, except when they're the killer." Phillip finished, suddenly believing that Tammy was the killer. "But, what could her motives be?"
"Wait, what do you mean?" Scott asked, sounding confused.
"Get those hair samples, Scott." Phillip commanded him right before he hung up.

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